
In our story

A letter from Grandad Jed

As you know kids, Grandad Jed goes through life with a sketchpad shoved down the back of his trousers. Over the years his collection of “Jed’s Red Books” has grown, and occasionally, he sends a photograph of some ...

In our story,

Calming influences

I’d forgotten about this walk I took with Steve back when she was wee. Very calming slo-mo. Nothing happens but it’s pretty. I should set it to Ravel or something;-)

In our story,

Interesting 2011

OK I finally got my pictures from Interesting downloaded.

In our story,

The Week in Pictures

Missed the slideshow last week. The internet has been busy and some of the Trump ones are pretty good. Feel like these things had a lot more impact once upon a time…

In our story, In things Dug cares about,

The Week in Pictures

This week have been on new project at work with almost no down time, so only picked up a few pictures. One of them is a poem by Helen Woods, aged 12.

In our story,

The Week in Pictures

This week has me confused by the exchanges on Medium between David Spiegelhalter and Michael Levitt not least because they’re both geniuses who can’t bloody well figure out how to use the comment system on Medium ...

In our story,

Are home-sewn cloth masks becoming a thing?

The United States Center for Disease Control is publishing instructions with sewing patterns to produce homemade cloth masks

In our story,

Image files that start with 'M'

rediscovering an /images/ directory on a backup drive with almost 20 years of internet stuff continues to give me a bit of wonder. Continuing my random selection, here are images whose first letter is “M”…

In our story,

The Week in Pictures

Another tough week. Some good news for some people but numbers of dead still climbing inexorably and the vacuum at the top still making a coordinated global response almost impossible.

In our story,

Old pictures

Still digging through the old Donkey images folder. I’m guessing half of these ancient pics don’t have a post associated with them anymore seeing as I’ve broken the canonical URL at least twice in the Twenty years...

In our story,

Stevie the wonderpup and her friends

Having just been prompted to share pics of Stevie on Linkedin I thought I’d better pop a few on here.

In our story,

Happy birthday Mum

So today is Ruth’s birthday.

In our story,

Just said good-bye to you and Mum

Mom called to say you were struggling so I left work early this week to see how I could help back up in Scotland.

In our story,

Alliance Francaise

Grandad Jed sent me a photocopy of an old Art Directors annual showing an award for a pro-bono TV ad Y&R did for the Alliance Francaise back in (I think) 1970.

In our story,

Saturdays with no fencing

Saturday with CU-1–we saw many things this afternoon.

In our story,

Today Treacle died

There is just nothing more pathetic that the little "missing" poster taped to your neighbourhood lampposts. The last time I printed up a poster like this was for Darcy, Nicki's first cat in our home...

In our story,


Ben just sent this pic from Ireland.

In our story,

11 March 1934

Well, it’s the 11th of March again, Mom’s birthday. She would have been 79 years old today.

In our story,

European standard EN1176

“Look at me Dad, I can run up the slide”. Well done, Hal! nice moves:-) I can’t remember the last time I was in a park with the kids. Mostly it seems we’re dropping off or picking up from viola practice or Enjoyab...

In our story,

Mornington Crescent

CU-2 never ceases to surprise me. The other morning he corners me and demands we play his new game he’s just invented. He spends at least 15 minutes explaining what dots mean and how you rub random bits out with y...

In our story,

Small world (Leeds United, 28 May 1975)

So I took a cab to #GSJLeeds yesterday and the driver and I got talking.

In our story,

Ruth’s memory tree

We buried Ruth in clearing Jobbles Wood, down in Devon near her home. In the days before the ceremony people came together to decorate the area with plants and things made from the trees. One item was an apple tre...

In our story,

Weekend child-care

Well Nicki said “entertain the kids” so CU-1 took that to mean “let’s put paint all over Dad’s face”. Not a bad tiger. Or lion. Or…

In our story,

CU-1 la creatrice de mode

CU-1 has been busy blocking out her Halloween costume. I’m a bit amazed, she drew the hat, the skirt and the cape and is now working with her nanny to make the costume. I’ve seen an early attempt and it looks just...

In our story,

CU-1's shiny new Lamy ABC fountain pen

CU-1 has been learning to write these past few years and I was buying stamps at a stationners in Farnham when I came across this pen. I first heard it mentioned by Richard Binder and since then have thought it wou...

In our story,

Vikings v. Aliens

So Charlotte wants me to spread the web2 love re ex-classmate Dirk Blackman’s new production Outlander and why not? (that’s our in-house Viking H on the big-boy climbing frame over there on the left for our family...

In our story,

Avignon quiz

Couple of weeks ago I was on hols in Avignon with the whole extended Falby clan and we all wrote games for the evening’s entertainment. Margaret, Nicki’s mum came up with a devilishly difficult Balderdash (I knew ...

In our story,

CU-1 passe son examen de ballet

OK ma p’tite puce je te souhaite bon courage pour ton examen :-)

In our story,


CU-1 a 5 ans demain. So tomorrow morning little CU-1 is going to wake up and be five years old. Forgive the cliché but darn she got big quick… We’re at Rebecca and Tim’s place near Perpignan (strangely correctly i...

In our story,

Bonne nuit CU-1, Papa travaille encore ce soir:-(

Alors ce qui est un p’tit peu merveilleux c’est que je disais bonne nuit à CU-1 (ma petite puce) au moment exact ou j’ouvrai cette page (Merci Petite Pomme)

In our story,

Sleepy baby (moments I want to remember)

Hi Hal, it’s half-past twelve in the morning and you finished struggling with your insides about half an hour ago (looks v. sore, lots of grumbling and crying). You’re almost three weeks old and are sleeping in yo...

In our story,

Faces of anger?

Filed under fragments of memory, (most likely because of the trauma…)

In our story,


So I was born on a Sunday.

In our story,


Countdown to Nokia

Well, this is one way of becoming an internet business ;-) So I wonder what those clever chaps at Nokia are up to?


The Peters projection on Googlemaps

I’m repeatedly amazed at how Google maps manages to generate an accurate overlay to satellite photography. I wonder is the photography manipulated in some sort of matrix to make its xy coords mathematically predic...


How to sync your iPhone OTA using rsync

Well you can’t, or at least I can’t:-(


This is the modern world

You know it doesn’t get more cutting edge than this. First, after much stress and waiting, I jailbreak my iPhone and go in search of hot software. Great, open, free liberating productivity apps here I come and lo,...



Well, it’s taken a while but I’ve finally worked out what it’s like to work with the .NET Framework


More on 0870

Having just this second whinged about O2’s charge for calling 0870 numbers, a comment has just come in on an old say no to 0870 post from March 2005.


iPhone syncing

Question: why does my iPhone not sync automatically (or even manually) with with my Powerbook via wifi when both are on the same network and iTunes is running (hell, why isn’t their a syncd process running in the ...


A really, really interesting story about bluray v. hddvd

Woolworths stores to stop selling HD DVD | Reg Hardware



I just love this shit :-)


Stevenote minus 5

MWSF 2008 keynote bingo


The amazing shrinking javascript

OK, so I occasionally hack some bits of Javascript around to see if manipulating bits of the DOM can produce interesting, unusual or accessible interactions… These last couple of years I’ve started looking at fram...


Nokia v Apple

If Nokia were running the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, New Orleans would be 20 feet above sea level by now.


More shit on my plate…

As I sit here in the middle of the night orchestrating the organised sacrifice of my current project’s design quality and integrity on the altar of technocratic mismanagement I am amazed and confused, once again, ...


Things Dug would like his N95 to do…

You know, I just twittered this, but I get the odd S60 developer reading my nonsense here so I thought I’d put the question on the blog.


Richard Feynman

A fan of Feynman writes an uplifting tribute: Richard Feynman: A Curious Character



Have just finished rolling out Jon Aquino’s Mental Garden: Twitter: Increasing number of twitters shown in Twitter blog badge but with the loop set to 5 instead of 10. Looks like it’s all working:-)


sms oh my…

Interesting site centered on the use of sms: 160Characters Association


The challenges of daylight

So doesn’t anybody else think this daylight savings time (DST) thing is a bit odd. I mean I’m probably getting the wrong end of the stick but are people having to apply patches (to their computers)? Because of day...



You know how you get those dvds with your Sunday paper and then they collect on the shelf? Well, my family got me an iPod for my birthday in January and I’ve discovered how fabulous it is to integrate films here H...


FOWA 2007 day two - Google docs and spreadsheets

Well, I’ve got to do some work so am listening but not taking notes:-(


FOWA 2007 day two - Khoi Vinh -- Managing UI

Well, had to get CU-1 to school this morning so I missed the first talk:-(


FOWA 2007 - day one

This 'stream-of-listening' feed was provided for folk that couldn't make the event. In the end I'm not sure it's very useful, so today I'll just take notes and publish more structured thoughts after the event.


The Future of Web Apps

Off to FOWA will let you know how it goes.


Most car drivers don’t know what revs are…

Not like us cheeky biker-types who are familiar with little two-stroke Yam’s and their ilk (tho now that I’ve aged and drive a lumpen opposed twin, my serious revving days are behind me)…


They did the iPhone thing!

Jason D. O’Grady is blogging the conference in real time. They did it!!!! They really did the iPhone thing it wasn’t a red herring!!!

Techno-bollocks, to relaunch without Flash

Adverblog: Gucci, welcome to Web 2.0


Open-source humour

ME: Thanks, this looks good. Could you please send your spreadsheet document as a delimited text file as I can’t open opendocument files…


every organization should have a Web 2.0 story

More good stuff from Dion Hinchcliffe. Does every organization need a Web 2.0 strategy?



Wow, I hadn’t noticed that MySpace runs on Cold Fusion… I find eBay occasionally searching for missing dll files, so I guess anything is possible;-)


Who says English is making a mess of European languages?

I love this use of as big as a house on this Italian forum iMovie ‘06: commenti e impressioni [Archivio] - Forum Macitynet


More fun with Technorati

I can’t believe I’m the only blogger who uses the category Techno-bollocks…


Oooooh yes -- -)

Apache on Symbian. Just imagine what you could do with that (updating walled gardens in poor connection areas for example). Now if only I was smart enough to install and try this thing myself;-)


Beware of Methodologies

Just came across a fabulous post by Joel Spolsky from back in 2001.


Doing something useful with the N70…

Just uploading the sys file to my N70… � flash, flash lite, multimedia and all related… ;-)



eBay and Kaboodle Partner on MyCollectibles - Mashable*


BBC mobile news

Been playing with the Flash client for BBC News. It’s another example of a technology maturing and converging to the point where it just works. I think this longtime Flash-avoider may have found a new friend in Fl...


Sad, geeky nonsense

Just got this from the Movable Type developer list


Your place to buy and sell all things handmade

Playing with Check out the “shop by colour” interface, just lovely…


Traceroute + Google local -- -)

Another fine 2.0 app:


Creationist bollocks

So somebody tell me how the creationist mafia is managing to skew Google’s video search results? It seems like whatever you search for on the results are at least 60% creationist films. Weird.


Things you learn in a day’s work

Turns out Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. thanks lipsum


Blogger, spam, and why I wrote my first blogging app

In days of yore, before Donkey was published using movabletype, I wrote an application to publish this blog. Like most of the software I’ve created, it was pretty rubbish, but in fairness, it did support three gro...


Movable Type 3.3

So it looks like Movable Type 3.3 is going to have some advanced entreprise goodies, like LDAP… I can’t wait :-)


DS hits half a million users for wifi service

Nintendo Breaches the 3-million connections and 500,000-user mark! - Gaming Blog


Symbian screengrab

Very excited, have just read a piece on which claims to have found a reliable screengrab app for the Symbian OS :-)


Web2.0 goes bump (again)

Flickr is currently displaying the following header message on all pages:


Web2.0 goes bump

There seems to be a spate of online services going awry. Last week it was TypePad suffering a meltdown, and now it’s continued hiccups for


Problems with TypePad

<img src=””” alt=”TypePad is down” height=”154” width=”150” class=”left” style=”float:left” />I just tried to comment on a blog whose author is taking pa...


So Firewire is dead?

So apparently, FireWire is on life support–Jason O’Grady asks what our take is on the death of Firewire.


An alternative to SubEthaEdit?

I was doing some research on social software and have just come across Christopher Allen’s blog, Life With Alacrity, and mention of his application SynchroEdit.


Not quite perpetual motion?

Can one use the flow created by the cyclical capilary action generated by dipping a cloth in water and letting it evaporate? I’ve no idea, but this guy recons he’s worked out the Cyclical gravity greenhouse liquid...


Orange continues to suck

Been reading about the Orange home screen on Symbian phones.


Things I hadn’t considered when setting my N70 to auto upload

I’ve been using ShoZu to seamlessly upload my N70 pics to Flickr which is cool up until the point you decide it’s time for a large ebay sale…


PixPulse clarification

David wrote in this morning. He is concerned that the debate is missing his central premise. Here’s his note:


Shozu or PixPulse?

There’s an interesting conversation going on between David Xue, the founder of PixPulse and Roland Tanglao about the pros and cons of using email as a method to share mobile content.


Sony DRM bollocks

Sony has stopped production of the ‘root-kit’ protected CDs. Thanks for nothing but nice to see a company realise that things are a little more complicated than simply dropping some copy protection on a disk.



Linux for your iPod


Playing with Flock and liking it…

Blog This!You can easily blog interesting web content with Flock, in just a few clicks.Example: 1. Highlight a passage on a web page that you would like to blog about. 2. Right-click that selection and choose ...


A nicer environment

I love this and this made me smile:-)


The bigger picture

So I bought Nicki a Sony Ericsson K750i as she’s starting to write about food again and she needed a decent camera to upload to Flickr with. I just can’t get over the image quality on the thing. I pumps out 1600×1...



Very smile-inducing voyage back to 1985 on engadget:


Movable Type 3.2

We’ll, the big one has just gone live :-)


Last call for comments on CSS2

Attention all CSS boffins, you have until 15 July to post comments on the working draft of CSS 2.1


Want want want…

Embedded in the back of the bag are three lightweight, tough, waterproof solar panels which generate up to 4 watts of power. This means quicker charge times!



I’m on a couple of usability lists and one of them sparked a slightly strange exchange of messages a few minutes ago:



Well, I’ve been on the verge of buying Tiger and going through the upgrade thing with the five-odd machines I’m responsible for. It looks like I’ll loose key functionality if I do (virtual switch networking) and I...


Getting clients to the Land of Usability…

I forget if I’ve mentioned this before, but we’re all carrying all manner of legacy decisions about producing web pages. We’ve got the web-safe colour thing, the acessible Javascript thing, the quirks or no quirks...


Tom Coates on trackback

Tom writes Trackback is dead. Are Comments dead too? I’m not sure I agree with his findings. To be honest, I have a problem understanding exactly how trackback works, so time to delve deeper. What is undeniable is...


More ‘customer support’ nonsense

I got this note at work this morning. This is crazy as it’s now the second time I’ve got the note and for some reason, this company cannot operate outside its scripted customer support parameters. This a very impo...


Workflow for Movable Type

If you can get past the mind-bending idea of plugins having their own plugins, it really shows how plugin developers have taken a place next to strategy consultants, content mavens, and implementation experts in b...


Wireless magic

Sitting in the car outside my flat typing this. Thank you open 802.11 networks :-)


Wi-fi on the go

Just wanted to register my surprise at the poor quality of BTOpenzone’s wi-fi offering. Apart from the just plain cryptic interface of the wi-fi start page (the page your brower is redirected to when you attempt t...



Well, I just received a link to these configuration instructions for Firefox. A minute to apply and wey hey, better performance :-)


CSS Negotiation

Great piece on CSS negotiation. Focus on minimal hacks with emphasis on code fragments that can ‘wilt’ away when negotiated browsers die off…


Pictures by colour

Very cool toy by a man called Jim. Colorfields lets you view random flickr images by colour tag. Fun:-)


Jay goes TV shopping

Just came across this and I can sooo empathise.


The rednecks in the middle

Damn—bitchslapped again.


James in the FT

James has a piece in this week’s creative business (sub required) and makes a few good points.


Send in the electoral observers

Apparently there is an acknowledged syndrome called PEAD—pre-election anxiety disorder—the fear that one’s vote will not count. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was sweeping the nation. With all the shenanigans going...


George W Bush hurt my baby

So CU-1 was wearing her mommy wants a new president teeshirt today at the toddler playgym and a couple of people commented negatively. One said, “what has George W Bush done to your daughter” and Nicki practically...


Cos Cob vandalism

You know, my dad, Jed, has for most of his long life been a master with a pair of scissors.


Hey Dug, what’s all this porfolio stuff… (bis)

But on a more personal, Donkey-esque note, one side-effect of trawling through your pure-play digital (actually saw this phrase today) life is coming across really old stuff that you’d forgotten ever doing.


Hey Dug, what’s all this porfolio stuff doing here?

Just a quick post to apologise for all the portfolio stuff going through this part of the site these past few weeks. I decided to use a part of Donkey as my online portfolio (a necessary evil in my quest for emplo...


Japanese Dug

Modern Jazz and Booze



I’ve just realised something which I had kind of been keeping my head in the sand about: Movable Type 3.11 is buggy as all hell. Once you start getting anywhere near the red-line, its behaviour silently switches f...



One in a series of auto-spams—a gratuitous link to The Lecture List. Fabrica just posted Representing Islam: Empires, Ideologies and Rhetorics


MTNextInCategory and MTNextCategory

Just so I know, exactly what hapened to make the amount of comment spam I’m getting shoot up overnight?


New design using float instead of position

Damn, this thing went from Mena’s intermediate template to the completely new float design in about 18 hours. I was at the perifferal templates until 2 am this morning trying to get the category-based tags to work...


Goatface avatar

Came across this icon I made of myself when digging around for portfolio stuff. For starters, what’s with the front pony tail;-) That said, it is kinda cute (the icon, not the goat)…


Mystery-meat 2004

I’m happy to say, I haven’t seen bona-fide mystery-meat navigation in years, but strangely, as I’ve been reviewing what other designers have been doing about their online portfolios, I’m finding it more and more....


I didn’t know that

The expression ‘hoist on his own petard’ comes from the frequent and generally grisly end of His Majesty’s Petardier—from the French, “person who has to light a very large fire-cracker at point-blank range while s...


Global Donkey




Still thinking about what to put in my cv, portfolio etc. and never being able to settle on what’s really important. More precisely, why would someone want to work with me? So I’m heading towards values—I’m guessi...



(I never, ever, read my sister's comics when I was wee.)


Tarragon etc.

Given that I have no prior knowledge of gardening beyond the long list of pot plants which I have killed over the years, I thought I’d pay attention and try and observer what is happening out there…


Bouncing (again)

Just when you thought you were safe from bouncing CU-1s, these three little films come along:-)


Ben Shahn, American, 1898-1969

Nine minutes ago, I’d never heard of Ben Shahn. Now I have. Thanks Robbie.


DJ Sick Puppy

Having the stereo in my flat hooked up with AirTunes is beginning to change the way I think of albums. I’ve always struggled with playlists—the amount of time you need to spend on them to get something that isn’t ...


Alexander (bis)

Alexander, Michael, George, GoodbodyBorn on 27th July 2004Weighing at birth a mighty 6llb precisely.


Al Jazeera

I drop into AJ’s english-language website once or twice a week. Interesting piece on Arun Gandhi’s visit to Palestine and his take on non-violent resistance (Throwing a brick at a Merkava tank is just a waste of t...


Large fuzzy testicles

Could a Japanese speaker please let me know what this is all about?


CSS for Flash sites

You may remember, a wee while ago I did the CSS implementation of the online media shop for the website (click on “download 2cc ringtones” to see the shop). At the time, I commented on the stra...


Welcome Alexander

A post about Melina’s baby Alexander, except that the only visual record is the snap she took of CU-1 and me in the playground at Turnham Green. Mister clever digital camera-phone-man was too busy chasing his litt...


Lord of the marionette

Been listening to a lot of Tiga recently. Following a link got me to these sensational puppet shows over iChat:-)


The Ludlow Massacre

Well, not knowing who that bluegrassy artist was made me want to look him up. Turns out it wasn’t a ukelele, and it was none other than the great Woodie Guthrie himself in 1944:


Airport Express with AirTunes

So last night I was in my bath listening to a scratchy 78 of a bluegrass artist whose name I never quite managed to catch.


Not for CU-1

Always on the look-out for French-language resources on the net. This one is most definitely not for CU-1, at least not while she’s still living under my roof;-)


Boring MTGeek

OK, so this post is going up courtesy of a fresh instal of MT3.1


Replicate or distribute? (part 3)

Never before in the history of trivial snapshot production has there been a more potent way of assaulting the world with your pictures. There is nothing technically amazing about the service itself–what is amazin...


Replicate or distribute? (part 2)

Bonusprint, the UK’s leading mail order photo processor, will be launching in November with a Cognima Snap powered service. The system I’m currently trialling will be available to members of the public–just head o...


Intel Centrino (part 2)

The manager in Taormina replies:


Intel Centrino (part 1)

A search on Jiwire for Teatro Greco, Taormina, Italy reveals that there are five WIFI hotspots in town, and that the closest one to the amphitheatre is at the Grand Hotel Timeo & Villa Flora which is actually ...


Replicate or distribute?

I’m just about to join a trial with a company called Cognima. The have a technology called Cogima Replicate™ which, in essence, creates images of all your stuff on all your devices. It copies images on one phone ...



And I just unlocked my Nokia 6600 so now I can use the Orange SIM in it:-)


Testing MGI

sorry ass excuse for middleware…


In childhood memories

Things you don't remember from childhood

Nicki and I had dinner with Billy and Ohna last weekend. We got talking after dinner about stuff that happened years ago when we were kids growing up in France. There’s been quite a lot of talk about childhood rec...

In childhood memories,

Jane Birkin:-)

I wanted to clap and say ‘thank you’ and get her autograph and tell her how much I loved her work. But I didn’t.

In childhood memories,

In the best of early internet memes

Mahir Çağrı

I wonder what he’s up to these days…

In the best of early internet memes,

In things Dug cares about

La piscine a Colin et Chloé

As odd experiences go, this evening is pretty strange. I’m sitting on the roof of the pool I learned to swim in. The sun is setting on this capital city. A few streets away I can see the roof of centre court of a ...

In things Dug cares about,

Building a boat from tree felling to launch in 7 years

I started Googling resources about building wooden boats and came across the Acorn to Arabella project. I was fairly immediately hooked, and am posting here simply to say they’re amazing people and that a boat tha...

In things Dug cares about,

Kayaks and canoes

So after moving to Scotland I found myself buying a Canoe. Over time, this has led to me spending more and more time on the water and camping on beautiful Scottish islands. This was never a plan, but just an accid...

In things Dug cares about,

Have products gotten worse during the decade of the Product Designer?

So have been thinking about how design is operationalised in business and in particular what product design as a discipline has been up to these last few years.

In things Dug cares about,

Their lives are more important than ours

So Mum and I both tested positive the day after Boxing Day.

In things Dug cares about,

Personal data not so personal any more

In theory, under compliance with GDPR, companies that store your “Personal Data” (see should handle it to a certain standard, including deleting it when it is no longer ...

In things Dug cares about,

Assumptions in product design

So I’m not saying all product designers build on assumptions, but many do.

In things Dug cares about,

What did I learn in 2020?

I may be experienced, but I learn something new pretty much every project I help out with:-)

In things Dug cares about,

Bringing the customer into the room

So I was recently talking to a colleague about the amount of human capital that is wasted as we fly through projects, coming up with great ideas, putting them on the board and moving on to the next challenge. I’ve...

In things Dug cares about,

Testing a workable alternative to a dry-suit?

Special 6 Shirt A design classic developed with the Special Forces. Tested over 30 years in the most hostile conditions. Used by Military, Police, Mountain Rescue Teams.

In things Dug cares about,

Where should service designers be focusing?

It’s only when you get the whole picture, you can fully understand what’s going on.

In things Dug cares about,

Should I build a vision canvas with my stakeholders?

Recently, I’ve been hearing some variation of the following statement quite often…

In things Dug cares about,

This is Exactly How it Happens, and It’s Happening Here.

How much experience do you really have with authoritarianism? Any? If you’re a “real” American, you have precisely none.

In things Dug cares about,

The Week in Pictures

Missed the slideshow last week. The internet has been busy and some of the Trump ones are pretty good. Feel like these things had a lot more impact once upon a time…

In our story, In things Dug cares about,

Margaret Calvert

So have just noticed Chi Onwurah’s tweet about #InternationalWomensDay2020 where she brings up the contributions of Ada Lovelace and Katherine Johnson and am struck by how empty the house is:-(

In things Dug cares about,

The Amen Break and happy Hogmanay

Checking your phone on Hogmanay eh? This piece from 2013 on the amen break just popped up in my twitter feed via and got me thinking of challenges ahead (I also love the fact that the talk is a dis...

In things Dug cares about,

The general election, 8 June 2017

OK Kids, the election is this Thursday. Your dad has been discussing the issues on Twitter but he’s found that some things are hard to explain in 140 characters. So here in long-form are some things your dad belie...

In things Dug cares about,

Article 50 was triggered today

OK kids, it happened today. The PM (Theresa May at this point) triggered Article 50 by formally delivering a letter to the EU (pictures of bloke doing the delivering in all the papers). It’s a 2-year process, this...

In things Dug cares about,

Science vs bigot smackdown

Just seen this amazing post on Twitter. The 140 character limit means it’s a screengrab so I thought I’d transcribe it as this is definitely one I want the kids to read:-)

In things Dug cares about,

If a Daily-Mail-reading fifty-something doesn't establish a narrative quickly, Europe is going to implode:-(

So the way I’ve been writing in Jekyll means I name the post before writing. I titled this one Europe needs a new narrative before Googling around and finding this initiative. Looks like an interesting effort but ...

In things Dug cares about,

Yahoo Groups

Just tried to join the Yahoo Group of a project I’m working on.

In things Dug cares about, In Dug's really old stuff,

If you are American read this

The following is an address from the President of the United States of America (one of the actual ones).

In things Dug cares about,

In early pictures with the Ixus

My first digital camera, the Canon Digital Ixus. (184-162)

The template running Donkey doesn’t have a gallery template as such so I’ve fixed the links to the older Ixus pics.

In early pictures with the Ixus,


Glasshouse gets into personal branding

I’ve been trying to get Nick interested in personal branding after listening to @garyvee at Seed3. Gary made a bunch of interesting points and got me thinking about how Nick should develop on her work so far as a...


Things I’m missing about France

Well, this morning I’ve noticed a couple:


Apoa shoots CU-1

So CU-1’s cousin Apoa is learning Photoshop in art class:-) Check out this montage she asked CU-1 to sit for.


Knee arthroscopy

So I’ve now had the pleasure of being slid into an MRI and in a few minutes, a man called John Hardy (my trusty orthopaedic surgeon) is going to regularise a tear in the meniscus in my right knee (thank you TMW so...


Merry Christmas

Well, it’s not very Christmassy but Nick was transferring photos and contacts to her new handset and in the process sent me this photograph of CU-1 playing in Nicki’s wedding outfit. Shame about the item in the ba...


I’d rather be in Whetstone

(Family thoughts, you tech readers may want to skip this post)


CU-1 fait de la bicyclette sans roulettes!

Well, I didn’t have the camera with me but this morning we put the pedals on the bicycle and CU-1 pedaled away. She can ride a bike, yay!


I remember when…

Parmi les Sept Merveilles du monde figurent les jardins suspendus des Batignolles.



So I’ve been in Paris all week. I was here last week and will be here for three days next week. I’m so totally sad, I’ve been commuting out to the burbs on the RER, working all day and then coming back to the hote...


Off to bed

Well I meant to say I had a bit of a medical thing happen last Sunday and I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed with my brain turned off. Normal service should resume next Monday.


Dug and H by Jed

Jed sent me this drawing a while back. Just came across it again and thought I would post a shot. For those that haven’t met Jed, he draws. He sketches constantly.


Holiday (at last)

Mucking about in the Pyrenees. On holiday and offline (largely). Back on Monday:-)



Just had breakfast with CU-1. It feels like I haven’t seen my family in ages


Boring dad stuff

Well it’s been a week now and CU-2 is eating non-stop (even makes sucking noises in his sleep, Nick’s nipples are taking a serious battering) and developing well. Last night early this morning I had a session with...



OK all, no time to reply to emails, have just woken up and must rush back to hospital. The potted bits:


One little brother, coming up

So C, it was a Tuesday afternoon, the 7th of February 2006. When I got home early you didn’t seem surprised and you didn’t notice that Mom was writing times down on a piece of paper and bouncing with intent on her...


The caption’s all wrong

Still, does Apoa know she’s got a portrait in the V&A?



Well, tomorrow we pack and on Thursday, after more than 10 years on West End Lane, we finally move house.


The sky is dark

I take 100 daft pictures a day with the N70 and ain’t it just typical I don’t have a camera on me today.


CU-1’s got a fever -- -(

Little CU-1 was playing at her friend Sophia’s house yesterday when she came down with some serious temperature. Nicki kept her medicated all afternoon and put her to bed early.



Well, today is the last day of Book Week at CU-1’s school. The kids were asked to go in fancy dress–picking the costume of their favourite character–and little CU-1 has gone as The Little Red Riding Hood:-)



It sort of amazes me that with all the fanfare around CU-1’s birth (readers may rememember the blow-by-blow of her mother’s labour)–and the fact that this blog was initially set up to track the goings on in my hea...


Toddlers at work

This piece over at Digital Dad™ made me chuckle. CU-1 isn’t a toddler anymore (she’s three) but she’s been obsessed with computers, stereo, iPods and telephones almost since day one.


Whipsnade face painting

Just love this picture. Not sure why exactly, but it’s something to do with the freshness of the whole thing.


Going to the mattresses

Spent the whole day at IKEA (both Wembley and Edmonton) not buying a mattress.



Note for Falby family: CU-1’s swimming pics are now in a flickr set so you can view them as a slideshow.


Now that’s what I call community policing

Apoa and Kiloh bond with the rozzers at this year’s Notting Hill Carnival :-)



Sitting here chopping some complex css and Eminem’s Mockingbird comes on and I start blubbering like a baby. This happens every time I hear the song (i.e. it’s nothing to do with css…) I wonder what’s making me so...


Puffy and smelly

So I’m sitting here at my desk, it’s 5am and I’m trying to get some writing done, but my eyes are killing me.


Asquith Court Parents Association

There has been a real grassroots effort by the parents of kids at Asquith Court West Hampstead. It got so bad we moved CU-1 to a new nursery (which she calls her “new nursery” which is kinda cute…).



Just about to drive back to London.


Amsterdam for weejuns

So that was fun, if utterly exhausting (started my day 06:00 on Friday and got into my hotel bed at 01:30 only to be kicked awake by little girl at 06:30–and it went downhill from there on the sleep front).



Wey hey! Nicki has scored our little familly an all-expenses-paid press junket to the Dutch capital. Nick and CU-1 left earlier today and are currently enjoying that particular kind of Dutch hospitality (brusque?)...



We did a day trip to Manchester this Saturday to pick the little girl up. CU-1 spent the week with her cousins Holly, Tom and Eve while Nicki was in Hong Kong and it looks like she barely noticed her parents were ...


Dear CU-1

I’m guessing when you read this you’ll be quite a lot older and no doubt these ramblings will be served up in some as yet unimagined way. In any case there’s been a lot going on recently that I haven’t recorded.


Diary -- a bloody brilliant day

Temperature 6° overcast + foggyIcknield Way between Britwell Salome and Aston Rowant closed to vehicular traffic until summer 2005, but the old road cuts North West from Aston Rowant and continues to Chinnor w...


Face paint

I figured if I let CU-1 paint my face as I painted hers, I would be able to make a reasonable likeness of a ginger cat’s face on hers.



…Boy Scouts and S&M fetishists both spend an inordinate amount of time fiddling with rope…



Wow, more DJ spam. I must be the new hub of the online music scene. It’s the ususal enchanting copy, connecting their minds to their bodies I mean who writes this stuff ;-)



Today John Peel died.



This will have no meaning to most people, but if Bill Bissell reads this, on Saturday 23 October 2004, I finally made it to Sidcup.



Would you guys mind terribly debugging your frigging JS code before you slap it on your website? Please.


More things to do with your Placido

As the election looms, thoughts turn to another Republican congress. UK subjects act now while you still can:


More software company nonsense

A new feature has arrived on my desktop that prevents Nicki and I both using Suitcase at the same time. Until now, Suitcase ran happily in the background, managing font conflicts and opening fonts when required to...


CU-1 the delegate

OK, wee un is now officially contributing to the Kerry cause.


Lennon McCartney

Right. So that settles it then. Unless I can’t spell;-)


A guy in Wales

I know I’ve been a bit of a wreck these past couple of days, but I really surprised myself this morning reading Phil Mountain’s letter to Clark County in The Guardian. By the start of the second sentence I was sob...


CU-1 and the new president

Well, the shirts finally arrived!



“Karen Carpenter was of course famously anorexic but people forget that she was also a really good drummer” - Goldfrapp


Dull boy

I’ve just discovered that if you point the desk lamp straight into your face and stare at the bulb occasionally, you can go for days without sleep.


Topless DJ

You know, there’s nothing I hate more than spam. So I really can’t figure out why I keep noticing the stuff and posting about it…


Mommy wants a new President

Monique from Littleton in Colorado says her mommy wants a new president and your daughter should too.


Cuisson du sucre

Who would have believed that there were not one, not two or even three different nouns to describe the state of caramelization of sugar in the French vocabulary. According to’s cooking chart there are...


More Japanese Dugness

OK, I’d really like to know what’s going on here


The thing that I want (a design methodology)

So yesterday morning, the thing that I wanted was a black, v-neck jumper and the chosen interface to get it was Mark & Spencer at Marble Arch.


Scrambling one’s nervous system

For a theoretically unemployed person, I seem to be very very busy right now. This is great because one of my iBook’s logic boards (I think it’s a logic board, due to the little beeps I’m pretty sure I heard yeste...


Big boy little girl

CU-1 walked up to me this lunchtime and asked



Until this evening, I didn’t know that the side pannel of the G5 is a four-millimeter-thick slab of brushed aluminium. On the inside of the panel, a stainless steel guide is attached with cross-head stainless stee...


More CU-1 sickness

Having a 13.4 kilo little girl sound asleep on your left shoulder from 17:30 to 18:30 while trying to not wake her up and pick up her medicine from the pharmacy at the same time does wonders for your muscle tissue;-)



CU-1 has been sick all week. This has been a little tricky to handle, as Nicki has been sick all week as well (really bad ear infection) and when sick, CU-1 definitely wants her mommy. A lot.


Stuff for Jed

Stanley Kubrik's Napoleon (pdf file)The first Creative Commons video that explains the point of a 'commons' and why protecting everything forever might not be a good ideaAn update from the Creative commons team on...


Bouncy girl

What does a little girl who has just had a three-and-a-half-hour antihistamine-induced nap do when she wakes up? (alt-click to download vidjo)


St John’s Ambulance

So it’s sortedLifesaver Baby and ChildrenSaturday 4 September09:00 to 13:00(in Romford)



Well, it had to happen sooner or later, little girl vs bee (or wasp, I’ll never know). Have you noticed how this August, London has been overrun by wasps? A friend of mine has an alleyway down the side of his hous...



Can be as confusing as it can be extraordinarily painful. I am having an uncommonly shitty morning and it really hurts–arse. Arse, arse, feck.



Just had a lovely morning in the rain with CU-1. We were gonna do the painting thing, but then I remembered the stables at the London Equestrian Center (CU-1 liked Albert best I think–lots of fuzzy mane in the fac...


Sleepy babies

As long as I’m messing about with the video capture on the ixus, one of the nicest things (well, one of many many nice things, but one that stands out in a particular way) about having a young child is the way the...


Bad Dad

I mention CU-1’s adventures on swings in an earlier post. If you read this blog on your mobile phone (or indeed just download stuff via the web and then copy it over), you’ll be able to see very bad Dad In Action ...


Tracy Island

I make tracy Island out of yellow play-do and get as far as the nice abstract blob of the island, the runway with the fold-back trees and am just starting on the Mies VDR square buildings when CU-1 attacks and eat...


In Dug's really old stuff

Archival? No, not really...

So way back when, I fell in love with photography (or being a photographer?) and built a darkroom and started using my dad’s SR-T303 (black body, lots of brass showing through, mystical “passed” sticker…) eventual...

In Dug's really old stuff,

Photoshoot from pre-history

With all this stay-at-home coronavirus thing going on I’ve started cleaning the loft with Nicki. Recent batch of old pics included these shots in an envelope…

In Dug's really old stuff,

My first job in digital.

At the time, my job title was “Web Designer”. I guess things have evolved a bit since then:-)

In Dug's really old stuff,

On hold…

The guy (an HP employee) replied “what’s Postscript?” this is like a baker not knowing about flour, a children’s television producer not having watched “Sesame Street” or the president not knowing the constitut...

In Dug's really old stuff,

Yahoo Groups

Just tried to join the Yahoo Group of a project I’m working on.

In things Dug cares about, In Dug's really old stuff,


links for 2009-01-09

Social Entrepreneurship - the "Nine Inch Nails Theory of Entrepreneurship":


links for 2009-01-05

Helitech - Headset Services Limited Headsets for pilots in noisy cockpits or... annoying open plan office phone conferences (tags: hd280, hmd280, headphones)


links for 2008-12-19

DOPPLR: Add trips by Twitter required string to add via twitter (tags: dopplr travel)


links for 2008-12-12

YouTube Chromeless Player Example page fun with the developer api key :-) (tags: chrome chromeless player video youtube)


links for 2008-11-27

London Videoconferencing Room: dedicated video conferencing facility for hire in central London (tags: vc) Eyenetwork : Search for a Video ...


links for 2008-11-21

Farmers And Farming Quotes: Famous Quotes on Farmers And Farming (tags: farmers) Sustainable agriculture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...


links for 2008-11-20

The History of Architecture Gaynor Aaltonen | Architecture Books | Books Ireland | Books Online (camerafone pic of St Stephens Walbrook)


links for 2008-11-19

International Farmers Exchange for Mutual Learning = Privatisation of knowledge and seeds | Natural Resources | International Institute for Environment and Development ...


links for 2008-11-17

Bank of England|Statistics|Statistical Interactive Database|Official Bank Rate History When is a tracker not a tracker... (tags: birminghammidshires)


links for 2008-11-14

LinkedIn: Harald Lamberts Harald's profile LinkedIn: Willem Boijens Willem's profile


links for 2008-11-13

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Handy outline of the bin sbin var etc directories (tags: unix nfs freebsd darwin)


links for 2008-11-11

All Resources Search Results more falbys (tags: genealogy family gendoc)


links for 2008-11-07

Blue Anvil Journal » Blog Archive » Wordpress development techniques #2 - Fetching RSS feeds with wordpress Good Magpie tutorial (tags: rss wordpress magpie tutorial) ...


links for 2008-10-13

Manhattan Shell for Sale* Vacant*Foreclosure - new york homes for sale - (tags: new york city nyc buildings)


links for 2008-10-10

ElectroVirtuose - boudoirprofane's blog - A Boudoir Philosophy - la vie était un festin, s'ouvraient tout les coeurs, tout les vins coulaient... ...


links for 2008-10-09

"That One" 08 - John McCain - Barack Obama 08 Gordon Bennet, a music video (tags: thatone) That One T-Shirts, sweatshirts, shirts, bumper st...


links for 2008-10-07

Hack the Debate // Current this looks good :-) (tags: obama election2008)


links for 2008-10-03

Print The Truth so I've got the link handy (tags: election usa)


links for 2008-09-25

'Alan Knight on the wiki way to stakeholder assurance''Johnnie Moore on the limits of social media'


links for 2008-09-16

Facebook | 1,000,000 Strong Against Sarah Palin Come on, you know you need to join the "say no to Palin" movement (tags: usa election palin) ...


links for 2008-09-11

Graphic Novel Reviews—American Widow and Alan’s War Gotta make sure jed sees this - it's La Guerre d'Alain translated into English:-) (tags: BD jed art) ...


links for 2008-08-21

Developer's Guide - Google Chart API - Google Code Gordon Bennet this is just fantastic! (tags: charts, maps, apis, graphics)


links for 2008-05-21

Movable Love - a showcase of interesting and beautiful sites powered by Movable Type handy list of mt sites (tags: mt) Cakes and Ale things to eat in Chicago (tags: chicago seed) Hôtel des Arceaux à M...


links for 2008-05-14

diso - Google Code like I haven't got enough to keep on top of ;-) this looks v. interesting :-) (tags: collaboration community blogging apps technology microformats identity networking plugins programming se...


links for 2008-05-09 • Fountain Pens by Richard Binder the May basket. mostly sold so looking out for June! (tags: fountainpens fountain.pens ink pens writing)


links for 2008-05-08

Swedish Stag Night Prank - Swedish Party Joke Weekend Skipper Ideas Do Pranks Sweden more intriguing nonsense from Alex... (tags: stagnight stag sweden swedish prank)


links for 2008-04-30

PESTLE analysis, tool, marketing, PEST analysis, SLEPT analysis, STEPE, ETPS, SWOT, pestle tool (tags: planning business) Where On Earth Is Waldo? I love the larger-than-life googlemaps pointer :-) (tags...


links for 2008-04-27

IBUPROFEN DOSAGE (FOR FEVER AND PAIN) - Lucile Packard Children's Hospital CU-2's cooking again and I forgot to weigh him recently... (tags: fever, nsaid, ibuprofen) IBUPROFEN (MOTRIN, ADVIL, PEDIACARE FEV...


links for 2008-04-24

OAuth: Getting Started - Part I Loving OpenID but wishing for something a bit more enterprisey with added security (tags: microformats mashup identity networking opensource privacy programming reference socia...


links for 2008-04-22

INVDR fabulous typographic experiments. Jonathon is an art student in Ontario (tags: type typography, technology illustration robots helvetica, gallery design art fun)


links for 2008-04-16 thankyou @scobleizer (tags: @scobleizer tinyurl)


links for 2008-04-13

Free UK PAYE Income Tax Calculator 2008. Updated for 2008 / 2009 budget. Useful (tags: tax taxes IR35 contracting)


links for 2008-04-08

Your personal wiki. | StikiPad. yes, it's yet another wiki host. This one kudosed by the 6a design guy... (tags: blogging blogs blog service services social socialsoftware software mt)


links for 2008-04-07

Segala (tags: accessibility blog mobile web2.0 WebDesign online web)


links for 2008-04-04

Groundswell (Incorporating Charlene Li's Blog): blogger's code of ethics (tags: blog blogging blogs business code corporate ethics guidelines journalism) s5l8900:pwnage [iPhone Dev Team] I love it that th...


links for 2008-04-03

THE MEDIA BUSINESS: Advertising; No Winners in Lord, Geller Split - New York Times On Thursday night, employees and alumni of Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein will meet at Mr. O's to reminisce about the advert...


links for 2008-04-02

The Guardian ditches Phorm | The Register (tags: evil) Seed Conference | Chicago | 6 June 2008 I'm so going to this :-) And check out that beautiful use of Times Roman (tags: times, times roman, coudal, d...


links for 2008-04-01

ProNet Vox Community Group on Vox (tags: mt)


links for 2008-03-29

mysql training course - creating tables in mysql - mysql create table command - mysql select database I so need a mysql course right now... (tags: upgrades blogging mt)


links for 2008-03-22

OpenSocial - Google Code (tags: api apps collaboration community data design google mashup javascript network networking reference ria socialsoftware social software standards tech web2.0 webapps widgets xml)


links for 2008-03-18

RFC 1925 (rfc1925) - The Twelve Networking Truths ahh memories... (tags: networking network web internetCulture Internet_Culture)


links for 2008-03-14

How To: Speed Up Sleep Mode on MacBooks (tags: macbook sleep hack)


links for 2008-03-12

Glitchee (tags: music gravatar) independence - Google Code (tags: activation apple apps code installer iPhone mac osx reference sim unlock tools)


links for 2008-03-07

iPhone Dev Center (Updated) (tags: technology software iPhone) Java examples (example source code) Organized by topic (tags: javascript resource code)


links for 2008-03-05

The Best People Search Tools: Find Phone Numbers, Addresses, and Social Security Numbers (tags: privacy) Granma (yacht) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: fidel hastalavitoriasempre) The Saul Bas...


links for 2008-03-03

Peter Callesen Not sure what it is but it's sure purty (thanks Thibaut) (tags: art fun)


links for 2008-03-01

Presidential Hopefuls Spending Little On Web Ads. Why? Social Networking. Though the battle for the Oval Office is turning out to be the most engaging in recent history, online ad sales for the campaigns of Ba...


links for 2008-02-28

Dutch boffin calls RIAA expert 'borderline incompetent' - The INQUIRER Oh yes, oh yes: "With what can only be described as a good dose of Dutch courage, Delft University's Assistant Professor Johan Pouwelse, d...


links for 2008-02-22

Channel 13 staff absolutely no idea what this is all about but check out these fantastic employee portraits from the seventies (found on a search for persona inspiration) (tags: personas 70s)


links for 2008-02-14

mydeco pretty :-) (tags: online retail) Etsy :: Your place to buy and sell all things handmade bit more chick... handmade goods (tags: online retail) ITSMYFAVOURITESHOP.COM LIMITED credit report and a...


links for 2008-02-11

MySQL crib sheet with the most frequently used mysql commands (tags: programming reference mysql db)


links for 2008-02-10

Opinions Libres le blog du type qui à produit le super bilan sur ces 2008 Mondovino : achat de grands crus à prix ajusté et vin de Bordeaux Primeur 2006 (tags: vin)


links for 2008-01-29

Logo Design Love more logo niceness, this time prompted by an email from HTF anouncing their fabulous new slab serif (tags: logos identity design)


links for 2008-01-27

Best Brands of the World- vector logos, logotype, brand, logo Thanks to Alex Moore for pointing me at this one. Nope, Alex it wasn't the one I was thinking of but this is great nonetheless :-) (tags: colour c...


links for 2008-01-24

A Website about Corporate Identity Love this resource, now if I could only find the link to that Russian guy's site with vector files of all the logos (tags: corporate identity logos logo reference research t...


links for 2008-01-21

Watch The Streets incinerate their record label | News | NME.COM So Mike is gonna get all co-creative and online. "Record labels are dead" might be a bit of a simplification but if anyone can find a new way he...


links for 2008-01-14

sk8m8 : Finsbury Park Skatepark - Finsbury Park (tags: skate skateboard skatepark) sk8m8 : Lordship rec Skatepark - Haringey (tags: skate skateboard skatepark) sk8m8 : Ally Pally Skatepark - Alexandra P...


links for 2008-01-13

Beats by Dr. Dre great headphone with integrated iphone jack and mic - i want i need them now droool... (tags: iphone headphones)


links for 2008-01-12

[CES '08] Opera Browser Coming To The iPhone (video) OK interesting stuff on Opera on iPhone but check out that Movable Type template. Love the use of buttons for the individual archive previous and next links...


links for 2008-01-10

How to travel by train from London to France | By Eurostar & TGV... personally, I like car 1 seat 76 but I think this guy likes the electricity in car 4? (tags: eurostar train france) Seed: Science is ...


links for 2008-01-08

2008 - The Year of How? (tags: collaboration value co-creation)


links for 2008-01-07

Thermo - Adobe Labs (tags: ria ide webapps apps interface programming tools) Adobe Labs - Adobe Flex (tags: adobe tools ria programming)


links for 2008-01-06

HTML Color Code Combination Chooser (tags: colour design javascript tools code) Art Flutter Banksy Paris mods (tags: art)


links for 2008-01-04

TED Blog: "Paradox of Choice" author Barry Schwartz on TEDTalks CHI (tags: business design Marketing video) Maeda's SIMPLICITY and another, wonderful what you get in your mail... (tags: chi code design e...


links for 2008-01-03

Complainte de mandrin Paroles, mp3, tous ce qui faut y compris la version "gabelle" (pour l'histoire de la taxe sur le sel) (tags: mandrin sel song francais chanson)


links for 2007-12-29

Chronologie "La Bataille socialiste" nice chronology of the Socialist Party in the form of a Wordpress blog page (tags: ps partisocialiste parti socialiste)


links for 2007-12-21

Fluid - Free Site Specific Browser for Mac OS X Leopard (tags: firefox apps browser webkit safari osx webapps) QIK | Streaming video right from your phone I have wanted to do this since first buying a Symb...


links for 2007-12-19

Modern Mechanix cosmic ray gun zaps atomic bomber (tags: 1950s art magazine reference science social space technology advertising photos) The Great Bridge at Poughkeepsie (tags: bridge train newyork)


links for 2007-12-16

.::Tempero::. I recently worked with a client who was keen to get his 20k users commenting and spreading the word but didn't think there would be a commercial impact for community management or moderation. My ...


links for 2007-12-14

Cognitive walkthrough - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia an alternative to trad heuristics where "expert" becomes "academic" (tags: ux ucd heuristics usability evaluation) Subscribe to Custom Search Result...


links for 2007-12-13

Media messaging - Messaging - Services - O2 O2 mms-to-legacy (tags: mms tools email mobile)


links for 2007-12-11 - RIAA: Those CD rips of yours are still "unauthorized" ...and there goes my EFF donation, hard at work. If you think the RIAA is stealing value from you (in my case, the value of having my CDs last...


links for 2007-12-09

New Reading List (Grazr) (tags: reader readinglist lists) iPhone/iPod Touch | Resources (Grazr) (tags: iphone apps) iPhone Application Repository (tags: iphone software) Beta (tags: i...


links for 2007-12-07

FreeRice well, it gets a bit dull but rice is rice (tags: hunger, wfp, un, game)


links for 2007-12-06

Official Google Mobile Blog: Google on the iPhone: Fast and Fluid yes yes yes yes yes oooooohhhh... (tags: google iphone) Comics - Bokardo UCD humour - nice cartoons, need to send to Amy B (tags: usabili...


links for 2007-11-27

GDrive to Launch Soon? Working in a team that thinks backup and sync are two different things? Know someone who does? Great link for anyone interested in the backup space (even includes a tantalising grab of s...


links for 2007-11-23

If you are American read this (A Donkey on the Edge) Wow, I just reread this, it's a declaration by the US president (not the current one you can guess) about the cost of war and our collective responsibility ...


links for 2007-11-21

What If Gmail Had Been Designed by Microsoft? Oh yes oh yes oh yes... A bit like the iPod packaging exercise, and love those nail polishing tips. And this is priceless: Plus, to increase user lock-in, let’s ...


links for 2007-11-09

Foamee no more escaping your round (tags: beer foaf twitter ioubeer)


links for 2007-11-07

floor sanding - Google Maps J P Floor sand... N19 » The New Very nice, a redesign... smart URI handling as well new%20york routes to New_York_NY muy bien:-) (tags: geo geolocation ma...


links for 2007-11-06

tyre rogermugs... whatever that means:-)


links for 2007-11-02

Nokia Music - 'not' on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Yeah Phil, big surprise there... (tags: nokia music)


links for 2007-11-01

Eventful - Events, Concerts, Tickets, Festivals, Kids, Singles, Sports, Music what to do with the Lecture List (tags: socialsoftware opensocial google) BBM (tags: opensocial google) - the...


links for 2007-10-31

Deki Wiki - MindTouch OpenGarden (tags: wiki) Good to see Shozu are still going strong:-) (tags: blog shozu mobile middleware enterprise)


links for 2007-10-21 (tags: reference style tools web2.0 WebDesign colour technology)


links for 2007-10-20

Telstar Logistics: What Is Telstar Logistics? joyful human engeneering (tags: humanengineering) Deki Wiki - MindTouch and another nice looking wiki that isn't atlasian. It's amazing the diference a bit of...


links for 2007-10-17

Odd Proxy - Free Anonymous Web Proxy - For School & Work, MySpace Proxy (tags: censorship proxy)


links for 2007-10-16

The Sydney Morning Herald Blogs: MashUp (tags: facebook censorship) Facebook Has a Post Limit « president of facebook (tags: facebook censorship) andersk: Facebook shuts down my cow’s account (tags: fa...


links for 2007-10-15

Micro Persuasion: Bookmarklets for the Web 2.0 Jedi Master Must try gmail to gcal when I find a mo... nice list (tags: bookmarklets) Blyk has landed, mobile operators take heed. « .oO Tailwind mmm now all...


links for 2007-10-05

sorties-paris - Bonnes sorties à Paris (electro & indie pop/rock) (tags: paris)


links for 2007-10-01 | 2005| November (tags: wto) english (tags: wto) APML - Attention Profiling Mark-up Language More on the knowledge sharing infrastructure of the 'attention eco...


links for 2007-09-26

Le cofondateur du Nouvel Obs André Gorz se suicide avec sa femme | International | Cyberpresse Tu viens juste d'avoir quatre-vingt-deux ans», lui disait-il. «Tu es toujours belle, gracieuse et désirable. Cela ...


links for 2007-09-24

User-generated neologism: "Indigenous content". Many-to-Many: thanks to Lynetter (again) (tags: usergenerated indigenouscontent indigenous content)


links for 2007-09-23

Cicely Saunders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: paliativecare hospice) How to Make Playdough (Play-doh) - Instructables Make Cool How To and DIY [category: craft] This oughta come in handy... (t...


links for 2007-09-20

Google Shared Stuff mmmm more niceness from the folk who are nae evil... (tags: google sharing share)


links for 2007-09-17

DNAStream Brings the Joost Experience to your Browser browser-based Joost via the flash plugin (I always like to add that word "plugin" as we forget it is still a plugin and suffers from all the usual pluging ...


links for 2007-09-14

YouTube - Compiz Fusion Development more animated interface stuff - Compiz Fusion in this case. Good track by Manau. (tags: interface music video) ManauWeb - Paroles : Manau - Mais qui est La Belette ? an...


links for 2007-09-12

Airport Cars Taxi in West Finchley N12 – Reviews & Official Contact Details except it looks like no one in the neighbourhoud has been to the airport yet... (tags: taxi, reviews , review)


links for 2007-09-10

Experimental: ARIA enabled pages: from T.V Raman on 2007-09-06 ( from September 2007) Interesting snippet from Google re ARIA (tags: wia ARIA accessibility)


links for 2007-08-31

Visible Technologies : TruView Introduction (tags: influence monitoring social media)


links for 2007-08-15

dirtybird artists >> Claude VonStroke : DJ/Producer/Owner (tags: music downloads mp3)


links for 2007-08-13

Note Taking: A Beginner's Guide to Mind Mapping Meetings - Lifehacker another mind-mapping explanation


links for 2007-08-07

Asbestos Services, Blues Consultants, Asbestos Management, Asbestos Consultancy having the garage checked for asbestos dust (tags: asbestos) Manestream Ltd - Inspection Services having the garage checked ...


links for 2007-08-05

jQuery Taconite Plugin multiple simultaneous responses from a single ajax call (tags: ajax data javascript jquery programming web xhtml xml)


links for 2007-07-30

FactoryCity » WordPressMU: Making a smart platform choice Chris Messina takes a look at reasons to ditch .Net (tags: community tools)


links for 2007-07-28

jquery.grid.rowSizing tr manipulation in a percentage size table (tags: jquery table javascript)


links for 2007-07-27

InnerFade with jquery nice fader allows for lightbox, slideshow newsticker etc (tags: web2.0 jquery interface ajax animation javascript)


links for 2007-07-19

Table inspector, Fangs and Foxy voice » xhtml | css | Design ...still searching for that elusive online Jaws emulator, could this be it? (tags: accessibility extensions firefox screenreader emulator) elect...


links for 2007-07-09

JS-Kit: Free comments, ratings and more... lightweight js comment system - haven't tried it but the guy from Lifehacker uses it on his blog... (tags: collaboration javascript opensource comments) » OUTRAG...


links for 2007-07-05

So sue me » Blog Archive » iPhone Independence Day pushing for an iPhone sim unlock (tags: mobile hacks iphone software technology tools) Main Page - The iPhone Dev Wiki more iPhone unlocking including an...


links for 2007-07-04

JGoodies :: Java User Interface Design sample interfaces for Backup (tags: backup oodrive) JIDE Software - Downloads - Swing Component Library more backup stuff (tags: oodrive)


links for 2007-07-02

do.Oh on the iPhone on Flickr - Photo Sharing! a to-do list app that not only plays nicely with facebook and twitter but runs as a safari 'app' on the iPhone:-) (tags: iPhone software)


links for 2007-07-01

Daring Fireball: iPhone First Impressions (tags: iphone mobile mac reviews review technology design apple)


links for 2007-06-28

Les bonnes tables sur la route de vos vacances could comme in handy this summer... (tags: food resto vacances holidays)


links for 2007-06-17

Flickr: factoryjoe's photos tagged with pagination another nice collection of Chris messina screengrabs. In this instance we're looking at the rights and wrongs of pagination interfaces... Thanks Chris:-) (ta...


links for 2007-06-15

PSFK conference notes Lynetter's notes from PSFK07 (tags: psfk technology conference advertising trends)


links for 2007-06-07

Digital Urban: How to Stitch a Panorama with the Nokia N95 more N95 geo-magic from a guy who actually knows what he's doing (unlike me...) (tags: n95 nokia Photography tools photo flickr)


links for 2007-06-05

Gridskipper, the Urban Travel Guide Well, it might be steak-frite time again soon and a little variety never hurts...


links for 2007-06-04

86 Mac Plus Vs. 07 AMD DualCore. You Won't Believe Who Wins (tags: bloat)


links for 2007-06-03

Yotel Overview The man from "Yo" strikes again - love the idea, get the designer of the BA first class cabin and get him to sort your hotel :-) (tags: hotel pod japan) Padded Cell - Race Paint - Motorcycle...


links for 2007-05-23

Staircase plans online quarter landing staircases Recommended by the hardwood guys, 2nd landing plan sw39m £599 (tags: loft loftconversion) Staircases, spindles,newels from Barley Wood Ltd For when you're...


links for 2007-05-21

Pipes: Rewire the web (tags: programming socialsoftware mashup tools web2.0) Connecting the Dots: Qwaq Launches Virtual Workspace (tags: community socialsoftware online social) Operator11 — Become a net...


links for 2007-05-18

Dashboard - Plazes - Right Plaze, Right People, Right Time (tags: visualization web2.0 socialsoftware social software plazes) YouTube - The real Computer Monster It's the MONSTER!!! haven't seen this in ye...


links for 2007-05-16

Script Frenzy | Your ticket to creative adventure I reckon Billy and Nicki should have a go at this one :-) (tags: cinema community film) MacFUSE Tech Demos from Amit Singh's Macworld 2007 Talk - Google Vi...


links for 2007-05-14

Video editing with Adobe Premiere « Scobleizer Scoble teaches editing with Premiere (tags: video adobe premiere)


links for 2007-05-12

Where Most Needed Charity industry observer (tags: blog blogs charity museum ngo poverty)


links for 2007-05-11

SERP Tracker - SEO Tools - Nashville Search Engine Optimization, Internet Strategy and Web Design (tags: tools search rank position serp)


links for 2007-05-10

hAtomic factoryjoe's new project (tags: hresume microformats) FactoryCity » Thoughts on Mozilla I haven't watched the video yet but the notes are spot on. In a word, Moz isn't being transparent and isn't ...


links for 2007-05-09

Jeffrey Veen JV's spent the last year working on Google Analytics. Have just signed up, looking good :-) (tags: accessibility socialsoftware tech web2.0 informationdesign design) Growth of Twitter vs. Blog...


links for 2007-05-04

Squirl: A Site for Collectors mmmm sort of etsy meets spout (tags: blog collaboration community culture design networking music movies media socialsoftware social reviews reference web2.0) Wordie: dug's Wo...


links for 2007-05-03

French Internet Radio - Listen to French online radio news and information and practice your French! Nice listing of streaming urls. Includes non-French francophone channels (tags: french francais online radi...


links for 2007-05-01

Personas: Why We Get them 99% Wrong - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design (tags: research ria) Roll Up Your Sleeves: Pioneering a User Experience (UX) Process - Boxes and Arrows: The design behin...


links for 2007-04-24

Nitram+Nunca very sexy widgets from designer Kei Sasaki and developers hmdt (tags: code design graphics widgets) jQuery datePicker home really nice date picker implementation using jquery (tags: jquery j...


links for 2007-04-19

{ style:phreak; } » Standard Forms - Updated nice form implementation but still uses tags. See div-less version at (tags: xhtml standards code) </li><...


links for 2007-04-08

songs:illinois: "I don't wanna be Jar Jar Binks no more" - Star Wars twee from The Bobby McGee's Woo hoo great song from a compilation Billy is working on (tags: fun music)


links for 2007-04-05

Chalkhills: Making Plans for Nigel cutout characters Great little site with info re xtc stuff (tags: music xtc)


links for 2007-04-04 - /workshop/jquery_demo/ Great collection of jQuery demos (tags: jquery web2.0 code javascript)


links for 2007-04-03

Social Square Beautiful site with ligatures, e-sharps and even those viking "O"s (tags: blogging socialsoftware design typography,) Web avant-garde Henriette's "Green Meme", will hopefully get to it befor...


links for 2007-03-30

Formulare A collection of forms (really, you know, paper ones) (tags: design typography,)


links for 2007-03-27

Negonation Blog an open source project charged with the development of internationalization software for humans. (tags: translation blog rails ruby rubyonrails)


links for 2007-03-26

LOGO2.0 part I on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Nice collection of two-point-oh logos (tags: web2.0 identity)


links for 2007-03-22

Les BadTalks - Bad Bad Blog - Le blog de Publicis Net Nice work from Publicis (tags: pub, web2.0)


links for 2007-03-21

Web2.0Slides | Web2.0 Slideshow a slideshow of two-point-oh sites maintained by a chap called Paul Terry Walhus (tags: web2.0) A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods Really, in a grid and all... (tags...


links for 2007-03-18 » Blog Archive » Read the Design of the Future in Helvetica (tags: typography, helvetica, signage)


links for 2007-03-17

Mer et Voile : Maltese Falcon, le yacht à voile révolutionnaire - "Une nouvelle page dans l'histoire du nautisme" The most unbelievable ship (tags: fun) The Maltese Falcon and again, just an amazing ship ...


Thursday morning nonsense

What next, cats that look like Hitler?



MediaTalks: Urinal Football? - Only in Brazil!


I don't have a lot of time

THE STORY – It seemed like a good time to start something new. The news from the meds is pretty crap but hey ho, movement increasingly difficult, some pains are frequent and I know that some of them will last as...


Picture stuff

Riding with Robots

Browsing the Apple website in search of support details and came across this

Picture stuff,


Have been playing with Flickr and it’s bloody brilliant :-) Have slowly started uploading pics (several v. integrated ways provided) and came across this shot of CU-1 playing with Kihlo’s monster teeth:

Picture stuff,


What’s in a pot?

Darn, I’ve just this second dropped the last of my beautiful Salins-les-Bains coffee bowls:-(


Paris by strike

07:30 good catch-up meeting with Agathe near République11:30 continue reviewing backup screens with Thomas P near bastill3a large chunk of the afternoon: walking from Bastille to Gare du Nord because the RATP stri...



Yesterday, I watched a man carry a little white box.



I know it when I see it

Just re-read that last post. What a load of pants, let me try again…


More on Flickr

Rob Ferrara isn’t 100% in agreement re Flickr. His point is that the free account doesn’t give him enough of an incentive to upgrade.



Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


No stinkin badges

At last, I’ve been promoted to “official photographer”


In friends & family

Goodbye Michael Bland

Mesothelioma is an evil fucking thing. It just cut a notch for Air Vice Marshall Rear Admiral Sir Michael Bland and leaves Charlotte, Natalie and Christine without father and husband:-(

In friends & family,

Parce que Papa est Francais dans sa tête

Business transformation

Discovery is the new cocaine?

The ever-groovy Mark (@redeye) links to this funky service. I’ve just received my D from Twitter and apparently it will take ” Mr. Tweet would take roughly 4.4 days to be ready to serve you. We know this sounds lo...

Business transformation,

Say hello to the experience-value map

I recently had a QA on Linkedin with a guy who asked:

Business transformation,

In the joy of rediscovered longboarding

First week of riding Brakeboard - video review

So I hacked a short video review of the Brakeboard truck and wheel kit (version 3.5) together last night. Quality’s a bit rubbish but perfect being the enemy of done etc. so I’ve just uploaded it. Key product deta...

In the joy of rediscovered longboarding,

Brakeboard assembly

OK so it’s embarrassing but I can’t slide. I am learning but at my age and limited free time and other excuses it’s taking a while…

In the joy of rediscovered longboarding,

Scale comparison of common longboard decks

This is so awesome. One of the things that drives me nuts at longboard shops is how hard it is to compare relative board lengths. The comparison is made trickier as it’s not just the size of the deck it’s also the...

In the joy of rediscovered longboarding,

In interesting old stuff

In running a consulting business

IR35 Part Deux, The Hunger

So have just received my first ‘mock-paye’ payslip (aka inside-IR35). My first question is down to the wording; what is an “applicable company deduction”. I ask because I thought you were saying my company wasn’t ...

In running a consulting business,

In how we got here

In Things Dug Cares About

Columbia Unversity, NYC, April 1985

…In late August, the panel returned a result that confirmed the student’s position — that divestiture was not only the moral option, but an economically viable one as well…

In Things Dug Cares About,


Just found these pics of the inside of the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona.

In Things Dug Cares About,

The culture of the Internet?

There are times when internet culture feels a bit like a beach.

In Things Dug Cares About,

Supporting the EFF

So I support the EFF – and you should too

In Things Dug Cares About,

DHH says #cloudExit

So DHH has been musing on #cloudexit – the notion of abandoning expensive cloud services in favour of something a bit more bespoke and, well, cost-effective. The idea of trimming down expenses by 60%? It’s compell...

In Things Dug Cares About,

From the nation - fuck you

Cleaning my desktop came across this poem by @daisielanewrites

In Things Dug Cares About,

Push #govuk protokit to

Version 13 of the kit has guidance on how to publish your prototype online - this page mentions:

In Things Dug Cares About,

Help a mum and dad...

So clearing out the hard drive and came across this jpg.

In Things Dug Cares About,

Tears for Northumberland:-(

On the morning of Wednesday, September 27th 2023 the Sycamore by the wall saw the sun come up as it had done for hundreds of years.

In Things Dug Cares About,

Looking after things we take for granted?

So have been following Dave Winer for years, but recently he’s been pushing these super important morsels. Not sure best way to link to this (especially he he gets no referral data…) but here goes with a Mastodon ...

In Things Dug Cares About,

Carney gets it right

Mark Carney was speaking at the Global Progress Action summit in Montreal last week.

In Things Dug Cares About,

Fishing for plastic bags in boat made of plastic bottles.

Plastic Whale is a movement of people who love doing, creating, making progress. We firmly believe taking action is a positive step forward. What happens next is not always certain, but that’s part of the fun!

In Things Dug Cares About,

In family

The house is empty

So it’s Monday morning and the house is very quiet.

In family,

In Memories