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Super-useful stuff

2 June 1953

On 2nd June 1953 my dad had just turned 18. He was a Queen’s Scout, and attended the coronation as part of the “Scouts on duty at Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II” effort. I was trying to find some items that m...

Grand Prix de Monaco

Team Lotus - 2012 Grand Prix de Monaco

European standard EN1176

“Look at me Dad, I can run up the slide”. Well done, Hal! nice moves:-) I can’t remember the last time I was in a park with the kids. Mostly it seems we’re dropping off or picking up from viola practice or Enjoyab...

In our story,

The Doctorow Aberration

Not a Ludlum novel in my case but the remarkable effect of one retweet by mr @doctorrow. Looks like a 7-point hike in a day.


So it’s #IWD today and I’ve just received an email from Kiva. I’ve been sending spare cash their way and investing in smallholders. The link at the bottom is designed to attract new investors. This is a process th...

4 O’clock boost

Thank you Flat White

Sois jeune et tais toi

Had company drinks last night and met a nice man from France.

Al Green on 125th Street

OK, call me a lefty ideologue who laps up whatever nonsense the Democrats put out but I’ve been watching the Romney v. Gingritch thing and I just don’t understand how these massively un-presidential types think th...

Dear Lovefilm, please fix your VOD proposition.

Dear Lovefilm, thanks for taking the time to compose such a thorough response explaining what you are doing with your customer proposition.

Versailles part deux…

OK so just a quickie as I take in Today on R4…

Are TV shows the latest social objects?

I worked on a project called “Fanbases” last year, a project to build a publishing hub that would allow brands to place themselves in the centre of relevant, fan-driven conversations.

Open-source manufacturing gets real

Invert the polarity of the neutron flow! from Morten Hjerde on Vimeo.

Mornington Crescent

CU-2 never ceases to surprise me. The other morning he corners me and demands we play his new game he’s just invented. He spends at least 15 minutes explaining what dots mean and how you rub random bits out with y...

In our story,

Filed under things I didn’t know about the Royal Mail

Wow, it’s a voyage of discovery… Turns out the post office (RMG for royal mail group) runs a ginormous logistics operation in the Netherlands (it’s called G.L.S.)

Unbelievable recruitment crazy nonsense

Recruiters continue to amaze me. This just came through on a list I follow.

What does Daddy do all day?

CU-1 and HEF are always wondering what dad does all day. Well, the lovely Ian over at Internet Retailing just sent me this pic of him asking the questions at the recent IR Etail expo at the NEC.

SF to Paris in Two Minutes

SF to Paris in Two Minutes from Beep Show on Vimeo.

Group buying (redux)

I know it’s a little embarrassing, but what’s the point of having ideas if they have to stay locked up in a drawer…

Should I commission more strategy work from agencies?

Should I commission more strategy work from agencies? This item cross-posted to Goodlookslikethis Dug’s work blog


Print nº007 - Riders & Villains

Small world (Leeds United, 28 May 1975)

So I took a cab to #GSJLeeds yesterday and the driver and I got talking.

In our story,