2 June 1953

dug dug Follow Jun 02, 2012 · 1 min read
2 June 1953



On 2nd June 1953 my dad had just turned 18. He was a Queen’s Scout, and attended the coronation as part of the “Scouts on duty at Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II” effort. I was trying to find some items that might show CU-2 and CU-1 what it would have been like to be a Queen’s Scout on the day, but the nearest I’ve come across is this RKO Newsreel footage.

I wonder which one of those young guys in shorts is Grandad Jed?

(youtube video no longer online

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)