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The gentle art of home improvement

You know, when I started this thing I thought “gee, we’re spending cash on a fancy bathroom refit, why not be mr helpful and do the back room?”

Pass it on…

Info re the latest patent nonsense from the USA (

Labour has started (not)

Darn, this is one serious roller-coaster ride ;-) What happened today is only just becoming clear now (at 17:17 - twelve and a half hours after we thought Nick went into labour). What actually happened, was that N...

Labour has started

first contractions at 04:30 this am - mother currently in bath…


Have just picked up a nifty digital camera (which works with iPhoto, which turns a gimmick into a useful appliance) and have started snapping. In the nav over on the left there’s a link to “scrapbook” that’s where...

Tribe s.a.f.s. news from New York

Got a call last night from a slightly pissed José-Antonio from a bar in Köln - the whole gang was there, Ben and Laura, Bill and Caroline, I think Ado, Robert and Daniel were all going to make the big day.


Lust lust lust http:

An explosion of Billy

I just thought I’d add that my friend Billy has decided to become a prolific blog poster;-) You know you want to read it. Do it now.

Mad Mad Mad? (Re -- Sad Sad Sad)

Billy says: hello? You’re about to have a kid? And you’ve just got yourself some groovy speakers? I’m sorry. There’s something about this that just doesn’t add up. Next thing you’ll be telling me you’re going to j...

Bend it Like Bekham

Nick and I have just got back from an (rare) evening out. Had Thai food in Bayswater followed by Bend it Like Beckham. The film is completely ordinary and faultless in terms of structure, but magic in terms of act...

Sad sad sad

especially seeing as I am about to have a child, but I can’t help being excited about the imminent arrival of my replacement Snell speakers (you remember from an earlier post, that my original ones where damaged s...

Flash is evil

readers remember several posts on the subject of Macromedia Flash’s resistible rise.


considering the amount of time I spend online, I think it’s amazing I’ve only just come accross http://gbloogle.benhammersley. com/

Late night plus music plus internet

always seems to lead me astray. “Moi qui suit peut-etre le Francais le plus brézillien de France” is a silly line from a Pierre Barouh song on the “Man and a Woman” album mostly composed by Francis Lai (you know t...

Fear of dead baby

is something that has been parked quietly off my starboard bow for some time now. Now matter how many midwife visits and trouble-free weeks pass I can’t help thinking that something is going to go wrong… My head i...

Complain about Brahms

is what i did half an hour ago and Nicki put the Beatles’ “Let it Be” on the cd player. Wow, I haven’t heard that particular album in ages, and you know what, it good, very good. I had forgotten the concept of con...

Carpet smile

well, the carpet guy came and I if you had told me that buying carpet could bring you hapiness…

Carpet guy

well, I missed my first deadline. The carpet guy gets here at 8:30 and the plan was for all the plastering and painting to have been done. I’ve still got a fair bit of wall-mending to do so will have to use lots o...

Dodgy website alert

sorry, I thought I’d grab a few moments after hours to update the template and I think I have broken it :-( please send me a note if something appears to not be working properly - am off to bed now but will try an...


“even anarchists spend most of their time talking in meetings”


it’s almost nine o’clock and I’m tired. Deep down exausted (yearning for carbohydrates I suspect…). Off to Thorpers tomorrow which will be good, as I definitely need a break.

RE -- vote (from billy)

Well, it looks like there was a wee bit of a Le Pen effect in Oldham and Burnley. Only two council seats for the BNP, but they do generate a lot of publicity from that, don’t they? I went for one Labour and two Gr...

RE -- countdown (from Billy)

Tell Nicki: no housework, no curries and no raspberry tea! B-)


we have now started discussing baby arrival in terms of “early”. This is a problem seeing that our flat is still a mess. The bathroom is now going to happen in July and both the hall and the back room (baby room) ...


today if you haven’t already. I went against my better judgement and voted for the Tony candidates for all three seats. I’m still cross with Labour and in local government I reckon Camden could use some Green Part...

RE -- flying lizards (from Billy)

Do you know what they/he are/is doing now? Have the lizards joined in the eighties revival at all? B-)

From an interview

with the Lizards’ David Cunningham September, 1984


bumping into limitations of crap middleware :-(


listening to the Flying Lizards’ “TV” on vinyl :-)

More thoughts on le pen etc.

(Hi dug) Here’s two “interesting” (i.e. scary) pieces from the guardian. It’s all quite depressing, imho. I still haven’t forgiven Blunkett for the “read my lips” - “well, I was only joking” thing. I decided then ...

Darn (71.60%)

According to IPSOS (Institut something something something?) the turnout was 71.60 percent. Why did I think that the turnout was poor? Now I’m really confused, I guess the figure I need is what percent of the popu...

Chirac never had it so good

What a non-starter, Chirac started running after the presidency of the Fifth Republic in the early seventies. Mitterand started his campaign in 1948 (now that’s determination). If ever you needed a reason to vote,...

5 weeks to go

Only five more weeks til I become a dad! Haven’t had much time to myself of late as I’ve been doing loads of construction work between bouts of job work. Those of you who have visited West End Lane know what a sta...

And I just wanted to add

that we have a socialist government. (Michael Howard just said “good evening” and has started telling of one of his constituents who waited 83 weeks to see a consultant. Michael Howard. Surely you remember? arg!?)

More diaries?

I’m still working on the next release of this blogging system (no time for personal web projects - work plus decorating leaves no leisure time) but even in its crude state, a couple of friends have decided to set ...

amazed (again, don’t you just love the internet?)

I got the following in the mail today. This one smells like it could run a bit… (reprinted in the original’s all caps)