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Cal Henderson

Been visiting the iamcal network a lot ever since Billy decided to download Cal’s metalinker script. Sites like these cheer me up big time.

Thank you

Also, I just wanted to say “thank you” to all those who emailed congratulations and have not heard back from me individually - please forgive me but it has been a bit of a crazy time

pronunciation query (from billy)

The final word in response to Billy’s query — native english speakers address mademoiselle as

CU-1 has arrived at a strange time

In the history of our little planet. There appears to be an increasing lack of clemency.

Those NCT gels

As Nick and I were reading our way through hours of labour, two other couples from the same NCT class were also at the Royal Free Hospital. Sam and Ben now have a daughter called Georgia, and Michela and Andreas h...


8cm, the landing lights have appeared in the distance


Syntocinin drip, contractions 3mins, transition soon:-)

So this is what it's all about

A beautiful little girl called CU-1.

It's a girl!

Right, just a quick one as my batteries are almost dead. It’s a girl :-) her name is CU-1 and she finally joined us at 13:23 this afternoon (Friday 31 2002). Pics in the scrapbook


4cm dilated - off to labour ward soon

News from the Royal Free

Well, still no baby. But I’ve uploaded some snaps from the inside of Nicki’s ward and great news for Sam and Ben - they have a (not-so-little) girl called Georgia. She is the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen and Nic...

British broacasting geeks

The beeb have webcams of their two (Docklands and New York City) telehouse server cabinets - grin:-)

18 x 18 pixels

Those wacky guys at the London design collective bring you a web site that fits in 18 by 18 pixels and still includes a range of content (such as art:


Well, back at home again. Nicki is spending the night in the antenatal ward (no husbands allowed after 20:00) - they’re keeping her comfy with pain relief and she’s looking a lot perkier. More excitement tomorrow ...


well, Nick’s just had another bath - this seems to both relax her and slow the contractions (or ‘rushes’ as some womenfolk have been known to call them) which should give her a little window to get some sleep in. ...

Labour - news flash

Nicki still in pain but contractions getting stronger - might head back to the RFH later tonight, if not it’ll be tomorrow am

Have been sent home (again)

this is pretty rough going for Nicki, she’s in labour, but not yet ‘enough’ in labour (getting to know the labour ward quite well, tho…)

Nicki’s just had a bath

the idea being to get a few minutes sleep in preparation for tonight’s big push… Off to the Royal Free soon.

hmmm - ouch

Bit of a weird moment there - I got in the bath and everything slowed down, or at least it was so dreamy in the bath I couldn’t feel the contractions. So I went to bed and they kicked in again with a vengeance. No...

Well, this time it’s finally happening

contractions started at 05:05 and are the right strength and distance (see Nicki’s post below). It’s now nine o’clock, and mum is chilling in the bath. I think we’re both happy that the wait is over…

Re -- quick question

Yeah, it’s the real thing (at least it’s all going ahead as one would expect). Contractions now every 8-9 mins, lasting 45 secs to 1 min. I have been beetling about doing washing and organising the kitchen and wha...

Nominet have made an horrendous decision

The following reproduced from

The first one’s often late

EDD+2 - no contractions yet…

The dark side

my friend Ben in Washington DC wants to know why there are no pictures in the scrapbook of the back wall of the back room. Well, that would be because the back wall is a horrible fright as Luis the carpenter’s bus...

The first one’s often late

EDD+1 - no news on the baboo front… putting finishing touches on nursery and moving on to hall bookcases (if Nicki could keep her legs crossed for two more days we’d be all done ;-)

Unix never crashes

or so the ubergeeks would have you believe. I remember Chris explaining at great length how he could upgrade parts of his Linux kernel while the machine was running.

Waterloo, Stalingrad

You’d think I’d learn to not attack simultaneously on two fronts (bedroom and hall)

More scamming

from Zimbabwe and from zdnet (

Fwd -- this is really really really good

== Forwarded Message == Date: 21 2002 18:54 Received: 21 2002 17:58 From: (Andy Ward) To: (Mark Aspinall)

Chris at the warm company

More legal rubbish Chris and Derek have started trading under the name “warm company” and some other “warm company” in Seattle (yes, trigger-happy lawyers living amongst Starbucks-drinking ingenus) USA isn’t happy...