All Stories

W3C remix competition

Right, all the entries are in and I have to say I am very surprised how crap most of them are. Having not entered myself, I should really keep my trap shut, but we’re talking a (admittedly hypothetical) redesign o...

Flash battering

OK, so I haven’t commented on Flash in a while. I have just had to struggle with a site that was determined to conceal the information I wanted to find, and as I struggled past the beautiful, smooth animated typog...

Off to Norfolk to look at barn

Considering a partial downshift in the property ladder game. We’ve seen this gorgeous converted barn on three acres smac on the Norfolk Broads. I can build a solar-powered studio and have a boat (nice dream, anywa...


Wow, George Clooney picked William Shatner’s Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds in his Desert Island Disks. George, you’re so groovy:-)

Hyde Park to Ann Arbor

Great series of pictures from the peace marches all around the world. Nick and I were standing about 1cm North East of the bright yellow truck to the left of the picture (it was impossible to get into the moshpit ...


It’s moments like this where my heart swells and I’m proud to live in a democracy (the feeling fades fairly quickly, but hey…)

Re -- contact from donkey web log

Got the following in the post this morning. I’m always amazed to find out that my Mom isn’t my only reader;-)

An American replies

My friend Ben has been reading my various rants on the war and has sent me a long note pointing out how I am not presenting the argument in a well balanced way. He is probably the best person I know (best, as in t...


Quick question sparked by the The Pianist winning best film—does Roman only do acceptance speeches in countries that do not have an extradition agreement with the USA?

Awards like it oughta be…

Watching the BAFTA awards in the background while catching up on some work for Monday am, it always amazes me what good A-List attendance the show gets. The Audience was packed with Hollywood’s finest and it occur...

Getting the war off my chest

I had meant to post a proper comment re the demonstration as I only had time for the flippant post below on the day. There are hundreds of reasons to worry right now, but the one thing that keeps coming back to me...


Well, we’re still all coldy (CU-1 coughing in the middle of the night via monitor is just sooo pitiful sounding) and Nick and I are still at each other’s throats, but we had lovely day yesterday. We took a long wa...

From the first day

I was introduced to the silent operation, brilliant colours, high resolution, piezoelectric ink delivery printing system of Epson’s printers things started to go wrong. Since then things have gotten gradually wors...


A day of down-and-dirty muddy protest

It’s tough being a developer

Just got a note in the post asking me to register for the 2003 ADC in San José, California. For the first few seconds I actually considered using up some air-miles and spending two days in the sun to catch a glimp...

The scum that just won’t die

The following received at 23:07


I forget if I mentioned this already, but those of you using an iBook by accident (as in you really need to be on a Powerbook but tricks of fate etc etc) might want to modify the Open firmware to kill mirroring. I...

Catch Me if You Can

Just got home from seeing the Leonardo vehicle (thank you Grandma Symington for looking after CU-1). It’s quite liberating having a ‘date’ with Nicki, I guess that’ll be the second film we’ve seen since the arriva...

A thread out of context

Feiss + Penguin + iPod + Slashdot (not necessarily in that order)…

04 -- 23 Zulu

So I guess if I’m designing a brochure at this time of night I need to take a look at my time management;-)


It snowed last week and Britain ground to a halt. The weather forecast was timely and explicit (large animated snowflakes covering the whole map of the country, what more do you want) but it seems everyone still t...

Strange but true…

Douglas Fairbanks has a Bacon number of 3


Spent Sat eve and Sunday on the Suffolk coast. Beatiful big sky on the way up. The flat landscape, half reclaimed fenland and half North Sea make for some serious oil painting vistas. Had fish and chips for breakf...

Rough week

Lots of work and no play. Big fight with Nick over Pumpernickle offices:-(


Today. Fuck:-(

As I sit here plugged into the iBook

I am grateful for Virgin Atlantic’s in-flight entertainment, and in particular, their natty disposable headphones;-)


Ok, so I guess Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose got tired of learning new tricks. To be fair, Kaleidoscope was (and is) one of coolest Mac OS hacks. It allowed people to completely change the look-and-feel of their ma...

Welcome Zora -- -)

…But enough about that. the real news is that we have a new arrival in this world. Zora Wilde Bissell was born on Saturday, 9 pounds, 1.2 oz, 20.75 inches. Caroline’s water broke at one pm, I tore home from the ...

A List Apart article

I just wanted to post a public note re the ALA article. I’ve had lots of feedback and many requests for site debugging. I just wanted to apologize to all those who wrote with CSS questions: I debugged the first fe...


So are there any gaspards out there who might search for Has ultrà metas requiescunt beatam spem expectantes and find themselves here? If so, I’m trying to find the origin of the term “gaspard” as used to describe...

Beware Daktari;-)

Some wee health risks for those of you trying Safari use with caution…

Dont look back

Jed, (my Pa) designed this Bob Dylan poster in 1967, which is nice;-) Billy had this to say about the missing apostrophe…

More Verisign…

Got this in the mail this morning

802.11 (in Manhattan)

Both useful and fun, from the Public Internet Project

Melanie Phillips

Should be interesting to see how far this goes.

A muggle with style…

Ok, so this is a bit self-referential, it’s just that I had never heard myself described in quite these words


We noticed a tooth today :-) CU-1’s first tooth! It’s just a little slit in her bottom gum, but this means less screaming for teething…