Rough week

Follow Jan 26, 2003 · 1 min read
Rough week


Lots of work and no play. Big fight with Nick over Pumpernickle offices:-(

I hate having fights with CU-1 around, you try and shield her from these things but she senses how upset everyone in the room is and it really freaks her out. Nicki reckons she makes her little gurgly noise when we argue as a sort of reconciliatory “hey aren’t we having fun now” kind of thing which is of course even more distressing…

On the plus side, Pumpernickle shipped a whole lot of work this week and a guy who was in school with Richard, Pliny and myself at the Ecole Active Bilingue in 1974 (I think) has got in touch, which was nice. I’ve got a number in New York, so will call next week. He sent a copy or our huitième class photo, which I knew I had kicking around somewhere but hadn’t looked at in ages. It’s amazing how much Nicki looks like Miss Glover my teacher

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