All Stories
I love this little story from the innocent website. In fact i love most of the copywriting on the site. I would have thought they’d passed the tipping point of evil by now but you couldn’t tell by looking at their...
Community based Content centric URL’s
Community based Content centric URL’s on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Non-cron scheduled publishing
Well well well, Movabletype now uses the arrival of spam to trigger its scheduled publishing events. It’s quite a neat idea using the inevitable flow of spam to trigger events that once required a cron-job.
Off to bed
Well I meant to say I had a bit of a medical thing happen last Sunday and I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed with my brain turned off. Normal service should resume next Monday.
Just got this in the mail–sounds good in a kind of burning-man kind of way…
Bonne nuit CU-1, Papa travaille encore ce soir:-(
Alors ce qui est un p’tit peu merveilleux c’est que je disais bonne nuit à CU-1 (ma petite puce) au moment exact ou j’ouvrai cette page (Merci Petite Pomme)
In our story,Banksy Paris Hilton
I’m sure you’ve seen this but here’s a link anyway to a Flickr photoset of Banksy’s Paris Hilton CD insert
Open-source humour
ME: Thanks, this looks good. Could you please send your spreadsheet document as a delimited text file as I can’t open opendocument files…
Techno-bollocks,Thinking about Movabletype plugins
Well, I’ve been thinking about finding a low cost CMS that has both good static page management and nice blogging tools like Movabletype and have looked at a number of options.
Small, decaf soya capucino
My Boss just came in and is legitimately today’s enraged mutton. I mean he’s standing in the queue at Café Nero on the Kings Road and
Creepy crawleys
There is currently a spider hiding in my keyboard. He’s wedged under the white panel the keys stick out of and is moving from beneath key to key. No amount of shaking or blowing seems to be able to convince him m...
Brands and blogs
I first approached a major FMCG client about helping their brands join the conversation over three years ago. That particular contact kept my original email so there was at least a degree of interest at the time.
‘not evil’ Google acts to shut down UK education charity
Billy has recently received another threat from Google re the design of the Lecture List pages.
every organization should have a Web 2.0 story
More good stuff from Dion Hinchcliffe. Does every organization need a Web 2.0 strategy?
Techno-bollocks,Cheesy, Heirloom, Panini Batons
Doing a little research for a client and came across 101 Cookbooks and love the writing:-)
Objects of desire
So I finally finished my first Chocolate phone film. If you want to add your own, the tag is objectsofdesire
-- -- 56.987 / 0 :: Urban Lifestyle Design & Consulting :: Collections :: High-End Focused Projects
I haven’t got the plugin installed that lets you ping a post back to the index without disrupting the order of the posts so I can’t highlight the post, but I wanted to show you the most recent comment from an old ...
Wow, I hadn’t noticed that MySpace runs on Cold Fusion… I find eBay occasionally searching for missing dll files, so I guess anything is possible;-)
Techno-bollocks,Who says English is making a mess of European languages?
I love this use of as big as a house on this Italian forum iMovie ‘06: commenti e impressioni [Archivio] - Forum Macitynet
Techno-bollocks,More about UGtv ‘06
Just got back from UGtv, crashed on the couch and have just woken up to Open University classics. How to give yourself jetlag without ever getting on a plane…
More nice people getting to know Colin
Wow, thanks to all the great folk out there commenting on the Pea harvest blog project:-)
That’s made my day that has -- -)
Russel Davies has some nice things to say about Colin Wright’s pea harvest blog russell davies: blogging for peas
Because it isn’t fun picking on KPMG anymore…
Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms, 1Q06
More fun with Technorati
I can’t believe I’m the only blogger who uses the category Techno-bollocks…
Techno-bollocks,Oooooh yes -- -)
Apache on Symbian. Just imagine what you could do with that (updating walled gardens in poor connection areas for example). Now if only I was smart enough to install and try this thing myself;-)