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Eat a knob at night

Listening to the Ricky Gervais podcast on Guardian Unlimited :-)

Web2.0 goes bump (again)

Flickr is currently displaying the following header message on all pages:


Happy New Year’s resolutions

Dave Sifry asks what are your New Years resolutions?

The caption’s all wrong

Still, does Apoa know she’s got a portrait in the V&A?


Web2.0 goes bump

There seems to be a spate of online services going awry. Last week it was TypePad suffering a meltdown, and now it’s continued hiccups for


Problems with TypePad

<img src=””” alt=”TypePad is down” height=”154” width=”150” class=”left” style=”float:left” />I just tried to comment on a blog whose author is taking pa...



Well, tomorrow we pack and on Thursday, after more than 10 years on West End Lane, we finally move house.


The sky is dark

I take 100 daft pictures a day with the N70 and ain’t it just typical I don’t have a camera on me today.


CU-1’s got a fever -- -(

Little CU-1 was playing at her friend Sophia’s house yesterday when she came down with some serious temperature. Nicki kept her medicated all afternoon and put her to bed early.


So Firewire is dead?

So apparently, FireWire is on life support–Jason O’Grady asks what our take is on the death of Firewire.


An alternative to SubEthaEdit?

I was doing some research on social software and have just come across Christopher Allen’s blog, Life With Alacrity, and mention of his application SynchroEdit.



Leslie Harpold’s advent calendar is up.

Not quite perpetual motion?

Can one use the flow created by the cyclical capilary action generated by dipping a cloth in water and letting it evaporate? I’ve no idea, but this guy recons he’s worked out the Cyclical gravity greenhouse liquid...


Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA (good old w3c)

Yet another worthy initiative is under way by our friends at the w3c. This time they’re looking at the inaccessibility of captcha, those funny images of twisted letters one is often asked to enter when signing up ...


Well, today is the last day of Book Week at CU-1’s school. The kids were asked to go in fancy dress–picking the costume of their favourite character–and little CU-1 has gone as The Little Red Riding Hood:-)


Podcast-safe and DRM free releases

I can’t vouch for her music as I haven’t listened to it, but Jade Leary has just released an album over on the LetterXshop which is unusual in that it respects the rights and fair-use needs of its buyers by avoidi...

Inaugural issue of the Journal of Usability Studies is published

The Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) is a peer-reviewed, international, online publication dedicated to promoting and enhancing the practice, research, and education of usability engineering.

Orange continues to suck

Been reading about the Orange home screen on Symbian phones.


An Open Letter to Sony-BMG

I missed this last week: EFF: An Open Letter to Sony-BMG

Things I hadn’t considered when setting my N70 to auto upload

I’ve been using ShoZu to seamlessly upload my N70 pics to Flickr which is cool up until the point you decide it’s time for a large ebay sale…


Albert Ayler

So I participated in a Katrina relief charity initiative a few months ago and had largely forgotten about it when what should pop through the letterbox but an enveloppe from Verve stuffed full of lovely jazz cds.


It sort of amazes me that with all the fanfare around CU-1’s birth (readers may rememember the blow-by-blow of her mother’s labour)–and the fact that this blog was initially set up to track the goings on in my hea...


PixPulse clarification

David wrote in this morning. He is concerned that the debate is missing his central premise. Here’s his note:


Shozu or PixPulse?

There’s an interesting conversation going on between David Xue, the founder of PixPulse and Roland Tanglao about the pros and cons of using email as a method to share mobile content.


Joining the EFF

OK, so I joined the EFF. Not only am I supporting the only serious lobby group for digital rights, I also got a fabulous t-shirt;-)

Tsunami + 200 days

Just moderated a talk over at the Lecture List. The event is called Tsunami +200 days and looks worth a look.

Farsi bloggers

Listening to Radio4. A woman has just launched a book on the Farsi bloggosphere

Belle and Sebastien

Sitting here on a Sunday when I should be playing with Nicki and CU-1 trying to wrangle the information architecture of a corporate brand site into some sort of sensible, digestible expression and listening to Bel...

Sony DRM bollocks

Sony has stopped production of the ‘root-kit’ protected CDs. Thanks for nothing but nice to see a company realise that things are a little more complicated than simply dropping some copy protection on a disk.


11 November 1918

It’s 11 o’clock.

Angry sheep

So I’ve been sitting here getting increasingly pissed-off about the totally unregulated goings on at Google, the iTunes Music Store, CD manufacturing, spyware galore and a whole host of other nasty little profit-d...


Linux for your iPod


Pakistan relief efforts

A family friend, Lauren Ingram has set up a fund to help with the relief work. She’s focusing on collecting smaller amounts of money and quickly distributing it to the right people on the ground using an extensive...

Playing with Flock and liking it…

Blog This!You can easily blog interesting web content with Flock, in just a few clicks.Example: 1. Highlight a passage on a web page that you would like to blog about. 2. Right-click that selection and choose ...


A nicer environment

I love this and this made me smile:-)


Writing your MP

Sometimes we forget that the laws we obey are written (indirectly) by us.