Pakistan relief efforts

dug dug Follow Nov 08, 2005 · 1 min read


A family friend, Lauren Ingram has set up a fund to help with the relief work. She’s focusing on collecting smaller amounts of money and quickly distributing it to the right people on the ground using an extensive network of trusted local contacts.

She is keeping a blog her progress.

If you’d like to send cash in the knowledge it will go straight to the front line, here are Jim Ingram’s (Lauren’s dad) instructions:

If you would like to contribute to Lauren and Tamur's 'fund', please make a check out to Dr. Tamur Mueenuddin, mail it to me at James E. Ingram 3036 Cambridge Place, NW, Washington, DC 20007 and I will deposit it to a separate account set up at CitiBank here in the US.

Written by dug Follow
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