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Actions speaking louder

Just got a ping from Greenpeace in my inbox:

Schoolkids to assist with propaganda

Another chilling article on the RIAA over on the EFF website: on copyright

Some nicely written thoughts on copyright over at publicknowledge

The old solutions have become the new problems

Shoshana Zuboff is an ex Harvard Business School professor with an ethical take on the need to focus on partnerships with customers. She calls this “The race to I-Space”

More things I didn’t know

Until right now I had no idea that:


</embed>Untitled from Jim Callahan on Vimeo.

Is Apple too powerful?

Interesting article over at mobileopportunity

Been learning about evil things today…

For those of you not on Twitter, today has seen Alan Turing become a trending topic. This is in response to a published apology by Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister. I’ve just been sitting here dropping tears on...

Value exchange and P2P currencies

Great piece on the WSJ blog on P2P currencies

AppleInsider | Bandwidth-guzzling iPhone called "Hummer of cellphones"


Listening to my Gainsbourg playlist and was reminded of Overseas Telegram and got to wondering

Another link to the hughtrain

I frequently receive emails at work with reports that measure the value of brands (likely to involve voodoo and pixie dust, but makes a good read). Happily my employer seems to do quite well in these listings, but...

More value in the conversation than in the Powerpoint

A university professor describes the educational experience in terms of value creation. What do residential college students require to get the most value out of classes and how does the experience compare in valu...

Tee-shirt-worthy quote of the day

Just love this from You are Sleeping

Eames on design

David sent this through on Sunday. I didn’t manage to read it properly until this lunchtime…

IP from 2001

2001 wasn’t just an interesting year in space. I just came across some stuff from the distant past that still resides in a dark and abandoned corner of the interweb. It gave me a smile as it resonates with we’re t...

Diesel in DUS

A colleague just sent this image around

Police Truck

Saw this and it made me happy. You go girl:-)

Encouraging quote of the day

Ethan Nicholas, on his iPhone game “iShoot” and why it’s a good idea to make a free version:

Citizen Engineer

Yeah, I know, it’s another engadget retweet but I just love this thing.

Goodbye London

A nice man called Luke Jackson sent me the following email:

Why I love being a Eurostar "Carte Blanche" traveller

From the Eurostar frequent traveller website


Just having a casual chat with one of the guys in Dusseldorf about our lab boxes and he points out:

User generated coffee


Fatcontroller on simple sabotage

I spotted this post back in April and got a chuckle

More power = more cookies

The unstoppable Johnnie Moore is at it again

Mobile phone evolution dolls

Wow, I can’t remember the last time I saw someone’s portfolio and had to stop to soak it all in.

Tinkering as a way in to the social marketplace

Currently working on social marketplaces (ad-hod associations) and came across this interesting piece over on experientia’s blog (actually, it links to vodafone’s receiver). Interesting stuff, we’ve been thinking ...

Paal Smith-Meyer

Just had the most amazing chat with Lego’s Paal Smith-Meyer (see wired article on Mindstorm project)

Open Innovation and Intellectual Property

John Wilbanks on yesterday’s NESTA event. Gotta say, I left I was BUZZING. John’s talk was real shot in the arm, he describes collaborative markets in biotech where heterogeneous networks are built to buy and sell...

Energy, in the right direction

These words from David Bausola really resonate as I navigate my way around Vodafone internet services…

More fun with Zopa

(the following sent to Zopa helpdesk)

What is co-design?

Been thinking a lot about co-design recently and came across this lovely animation by Think Public -- Hunch!

I just love it that Caterina hasn’t changed her blog template since the dawn of time:-) And now the imperatrix is up to something new and of course exciting…