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CU-1 fait de la bicyclette sans roulettes!

Well, I didn’t have the camera with me but this morning we put the pedals on the bicycle and CU-1 pedaled away. She can ride a bike, yay!


links for 2007-07-30

FactoryCity » WordPressMU: Making a smart platform choice Chris Messina takes a look at reasons to ditch .Net (tags: community tools)


links for 2007-07-28

jquery.grid.rowSizing tr manipulation in a percentage size table (tags: jquery table javascript)


links for 2007-07-27

InnerFade with jquery nice fader allows for lightbox, slideshow newsticker etc (tags: web2.0 jquery interface ajax animation javascript)


Quote of the day

This has gotta be my quote for the day:-)

iPhone SIM unlock

After DVD John’s first iPhone hack the elusive SIM unlock comes one step closer:-) - Hackers saw through iPhone AT&T shackles

links for 2007-07-19

Table inspector, Fangs and Foxy voice » xhtml | css | Design ...still searching for that elusive online Jaws emulator, could this be it? (tags: accessibility extensions firefox screenreader emulator) elect...


Facebook look and feel

One of the things I’m enjoying about facebook is the complete lack of rounded corners in the interface:-)

links for 2007-07-09

JS-Kit: Free comments, ratings and more... lightweight js comment system - haven't tried it but the guy from Lifehacker uses it on his blog... (tags: collaboration javascript opensource comments) » OUTRAG...


DVD John cracks the iPhone

Wey hey, a sim unlock for iPhone is on it’s way… DVD John has already made an activation server so network-free landscape iPods might be just around the corner…

links for 2007-07-05

So sue me » Blog Archive » iPhone Independence Day pushing for an iPhone sim unlock (tags: mobile hacks iphone software technology tools) Main Page - The iPhone Dev Wiki more iPhone unlocking including an...


Gettin friendly on the Eurostar

So you know how us whitey westerners travel in the tight confines of buses trains and tubes? You know how the position of a foot or a leg, the degree of but-brush and so on can really make a difference in the pers...

links for 2007-07-04

JGoodies :: Java User Interface Design sample interfaces for Backup (tags: backup oodrive) JIDE Software - Downloads - Swing Component Library more backup stuff (tags: oodrive)


links for 2007-07-02

do.Oh on the iPhone on Flickr - Photo Sharing! a to-do list app that not only plays nicely with facebook and twitter but runs as a safari 'app' on the iPhone:-) (tags: iPhone software)


links for 2007-07-01

Daring Fireball: iPhone First Impressions (tags: iphone mobile mac reviews review technology design apple)


links for 2007-06-28

Les bonnes tables sur la route de vos vacances could comme in handy this summer... (tags: food resto vacances holidays)


They are the ultimate gift of love

Last year I built a couple of sites for a guy that I frequently collaborate with. The sites talk about diamonds, the diamond industry and luxury more generally.

More nonsense from BT

More activity on the old Is BT still shit? post. A chap called Carlos has left a comment about his experience with BT and it sounds pretty spectacular…

Things Dug would like his N95 to do…

You know, I just twittered this, but I get the odd S60 developer reading my nonsense here so I thought I’d put the question on the blog.


Cillit Bang is my friend

Mike Butcher points out that new European legislation will make astroturfing illegal.

links for 2007-06-17

Flickr: factoryjoe's photos tagged with pagination another nice collection of Chris messina screengrabs. In this instance we're looking at the rights and wrongs of pagination interfaces... Thanks Chris:-) (ta...


I remember when…

Parmi les Sept Merveilles du monde figurent les jardins suspendus des Batignolles.


links for 2007-06-15

PSFK conference notes Lynetter's notes from PSFK07 (tags: psfk technology conference advertising trends)


links for 2007-06-07

Digital Urban: How to Stitch a Panorama with the Nokia N95 more N95 geo-magic from a guy who actually knows what he's doing (unlike me...) (tags: n95 nokia Photography tools photo flickr)


links for 2007-06-05

Gridskipper, the Urban Travel Guide Well, it might be steak-frite time again soon and a little variety never hurts...


Alex James - Bit of a Blur

Good to see Serge the Concierge doing his bit to promote the Alex James talk on Thursday.

links for 2007-06-04

86 Mac Plus Vs. 07 AMD DualCore. You Won't Believe Who Wins (tags: bloat)


links for 2007-06-03

Yotel Overview The man from "Yo" strikes again - love the idea, get the designer of the BA first class cabin and get him to sort your hotel :-) (tags: hotel pod japan) Padded Cell - Race Paint - Motorcycle...


Alex James on the Lecture List

You know, Billy and I have been really struggling to keep The Lecture List afloat for some time now, and we’re doing it because we believe in it (the problem of course is it’s impossible to get funding for a thing...


CU-1 a 5 ans demain. So tomorrow morning little CU-1 is going to wake up and be five years old. Forgive the cliché but darn she got big quick… We’re at Rebecca and Tim’s place near Perpignan (strangely correctly i...

In our story,

links for 2007-05-23

Staircase plans online quarter landing staircases Recommended by the hardwood guys, 2nd landing plan sw39m £599 (tags: loft loftconversion) Staircases, spindles,newels from Barley Wood Ltd For when you're...


links for 2007-05-21

Pipes: Rewire the web (tags: programming socialsoftware mashup tools web2.0) Connecting the Dots: Qwaq Launches Virtual Workspace (tags: community socialsoftware online social) Operator11 — Become a net...


Tuesday is Doesday

So David has decided to get stuff done on Tuesdays. He’s christened them Doesdays and you can join his Facebook group, check out the blog or just keep an eye on him over at Twitter

links for 2007-05-18

Dashboard - Plazes - Right Plaze, Right People, Right Time (tags: visualization web2.0 socialsoftware social software plazes) YouTube - The real Computer Monster It's the MONSTER!!! haven't seen this in ye...
