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Bad navigation can kill

Ok, strange train of thought here. I’m listening to a song by Serge Gainsbourg “Torrey Canyon” and I have this terrible habit of listening to music without decoding the words. It’s crap really, but for a long time...

Normaly I’m not a huge Mondays fan

But we had a great week-end. Nicki and I drove out to the Suffolk coast and spent the week-end at Andrew’s wee house in Thorpeness. Andrew and Peter have just got a dog (he’s called Potter) which meant lots of wal...

More fun with ems and ens

There’s a great article by Peter K. Sheerin on alistapart for those out there who care about both web and typographic standards. Well worth taking a look at, but watch out for some sub-editorial quirks (remember t...

Am sitting down to write my first piece for the food site

But am sleepy, so sleepy… Why is it any time I try and write a review I get sleepy and crash? Darn!

Re -- flat

Hi Mom,

Another leader for the table-weary masses

Bless his cotton socks - he is Donimo and if you haven’t been there already, you’ll find his impressive source of CSS_politik at:

Owen Briggs

I wish I had more time to share my thoughts on the current crop of CSS issues. This from Owen Briggs’ excellent website (reprinted here without permission)

One of the reasons I got over my futuresplash obsession

Before they changed its name to “Flash” (I really need to take a look at the use of case on this site). I’ve followed the development of flash from its infancy and have been endlessly impressed by its capabilities...

System update

I thought this application worked so well, I modified it to regenerate four other diary-style web sites. Oops. Oh well, these things always go a little wrong at first ;-)

don’t know if anyone is using this blog

But I thought I’d mention that I’d spotted a bug (a spare double quote in the markup) which was breaking the newer link in the site masthead. Should work ok now.

State of mind

This is the last week of/01/2002. Nicki (My wife) is six months pregnant with our first baby. I’m deep in a new-business struggle (If someone had told me I’d have to weather another recession I’d have laughed - wh...

Tribe s.a.f.s. news from New York

On Sunday, January 27, 2002, at 10:54 AM, josé-antionio sobrino reineke wrote:


OK the stylesheet is being tampered with a lot today – mea culpa. Apologies for purple type on purple background;-) Actually, the current scheme was created by Nicki, for a wall in our flat…

Drifting further into uncharted web typography

Ok so now the width of this column is defined as thirty times the width of a monospaced character. If you zoom your browser’s type-size settings in and out, the width of the column should expand and contract such ...

Mahir Çağrı

I wonder what he’s up to these days…

In the best of early internet memes,

Fair fa yer honest sonsi face

Great chieftan o the puddin race. Have you learnt your poems? We’re off to Billy and Ohna’s tonight, and by the time the cron job that posts these things runs I hope to be largely whisky :-)

Diary - Saturday 26 January

Hilda and husband came round to look at the flat (Dug and Nicki live in a groovy two-bed flat in West End Lane in London - a flat that requires some serious work that Dug was supposed to deal with but didn’t) this...

This type is too big (or is it too small?)

Spending one’s Christmas with family really reminds one of that not all web users have good eyesight.

Is this a Blog?

Chris ( said why not make a web log (a Blog) so I thought, sure, this year has been crazy, maybe I should keep a record of it.

It’s a source of much mirth and jocularity

That I have the spelling skills of a four-year-old. Taunts and jeers to if you please.

Jane Birkin:-)

I wanted to clap and say ‘thank you’ and get her autograph and tell her how much I loved her work. But I didn’t.

In childhood memories,

Testing MGI

sorry ass excuse for middleware…


Faces of anger?

Filed under fragments of memory, (most likely because of the trauma…)

In our story,


So I was born on a Sunday.

In our story,