in our story,

Ruth’s memory tree

dug dug Follow Mar 16, 2010 · 1 min read
Ruth's memory tree. The leaves on this tree are paper leaves attached with string. Each is a memory.


We buried Ruth in clearing Jobbles Wood, down in Devon near her home. In the days before the ceremony people came together to decorate the area with plants and things made from the trees. One item was an apple tree that was placed there in amongst the pines. Her friends and family gathered on the day and attached memories to the tree like little paper leaves.

Her tree is impermanent, an apple tree among the firs, but the thoughts expressed should last forever…

This is the last post about Ruth’s passing and subsequent service. I am now going to return this blog to its normal pattern of nonsense from Dug’s head. I am building a page for Mom and will transfer all the Jobbles Wood content to there when it’s ready.

If you want to add a thought to the tree picture, you can comment here or add your thoughts to the picture’s Flickr page

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)