W3C remix competition

dug dug Follow Mar 11, 2003 · 1 min read



Right, all the entries are in and I have to say I am very surprised how crap most of them are. Having not entered myself, I should really keep my trap shut, but we’re talking a (admittedly hypothetical) redesign of the W3C site. This is a contract to redesign the Louvre, the World Trade Center, the pyramids, you know, the Alpha and the Omega, the fount of all knowledge, the club founded by TBL himself…

Check out the entries, most either just plain broke in my browser (IE5) or perhaps more seriously, made no attempt to think of the w3c site as a key information application. Anyway, if I had to pick one it would be this chap

To be honest, I’d rather they scrap the entries altogether and start again with some serious designers on board. What would 37 sigs make of it?

Written by dug Follow
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