Take, don't give. A short conversation about fighting a killer virus...

dug dug Follow Apr 01, 2020 · 1 min read
Take, don't give. A short conversation about fighting a killer virus...



This thing by Luke Andreski just popped up on Twitter. In the spirit of remembering things in a slightly longer form, I’m keeping the link here.

Our most terrible enemy

Should anyone ask you, “Who is our most terrible enemy, here at the start of the 2020’s? In the midst of a perfect storm of pandemic, recession and debt?” – here is your answer. It’s this. This virus.

The most terrible threat to our species, our most dangerous and powerful opponent, is a free-market, deregulatory, neoliberal, power-hungry, greed-centric thought plague.


This on the theme of the world being driven by storytelling and in this case some pretty dark, right-wing storytelling that seems to be getting endless traction:-(


Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)