So CU-1 is a year old

dug dug Follow Jun 04, 2003 · 1 min read


On Saturday (31 May) little CU-1 was one year old. I can’t believe how quickly this year has spun by, seems just yesterday Nick and I were holed up in a room at the Royal Free, me trying to give her good news as I watched CU-1’s head come in and out of sight.

I got all blubbery this morning–CU-1 is going to nursery so Nick can go back to work and I’m beginning to feel like I’ll never see my little girl again. I’ve just moved out of the house and into an office in Clerkenwell so I won’t have much time in the morning or evenings to be with her. That said, I’ll probably still be making her food and bathing and putting her to bed a couple of nights a week so I guess it’s not too bad. If only Nick were able to earn enough to support the three of us, I’m pretty sure I’d be happier chucking my job and being a full-time dad. Of course I say that because Nick has really done most of the work until now and I’m pretty sure I would struggle to keep up all day every day, but still, being with the little flea is magic:-)

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)