Shut up and sing

dug dug Follow Oct 28, 2006 · 1 min read


I get a lot of questions about MySpace from clients.

For the most part, they find the site confusing and don’t understand the mechanic it supports. In a nutshell, the service essentially allows you to spread the word in a seamless way–take a look at the Dixie Chicks movie above, their site had a single-click experience to copy this. The same site allowed me to express my support (and outrage at monkey boy) by posting comment, marking them as friends and recommending them in my profile.

Check out the Chicks’ blog they’re using Wordpress and it looks good. The only shame is the flash front end doesn’t let you record name and email so my post went up as “anonymous blogger”


Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)