in the best of early internet memes,

Mahir Çağrı

dug dug Follow Jan 27, 2002 · 1 min read
Mahir Çağrı


I wonder what he’s up to these days…

(additional info 10 April 2020)
For the kids who weren’t there the first time, Mahir Çağrı hit us like a mad storm of crazy. He was basically Borat but much funnier, becoming a bit of a meme (were they called ‘memes’ back then? I don’t remember…). Actually, a bit of Googling reveals he’s still at it! Almost 20 years since “I kisssssss youuu!!!” he’s still all over the internet rockin his thing:-) His original site is sort of captured on Internet Archive (not sure how much of that is original)

(one more thing 12 April 2020)
The original page had a comment on it suggesting you copy the page to spread the load on the server. Mahir’s (a fan’s?) comment:

Here is The code you need to insert into your page to use the mahir web-ring remember not to link the image to this site, but to instead download the image and keep it on your server, in order to decrease the load on this page. Also, you must edit the id to equal your id number. I KISS YOU! !

So I couldn’t help my self, here’s a copy of the original web page for posterity:-)

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)