GiffGaff negotiating their value propositions with customers

dug dug Follow May 03, 2010 · 1 min read


Giffgaff logoHave been thinking about how brands need engagement systems built on dialogue and transparency (and risk-sharing and access to commercial data) and had a bit of a smile this weekend as I’ve just activated my new GiffGaff SIM card. GiffGaff is an experiment launched by O2 to test this stuff. The idea is that the baseline service (the quality and hygiene) is provided by the O2 network but the value negotiation is handled by GiffGaff.

The interaction is built on forums where the unique value of the services to each customer is hotly debated between customers and O2 representatives. Key pricing structures and deal offers are negotiated transparently with customers. See for ex. the discussions around new data tariff agreement:

They’re using an interesting system that looks like a hybrid CRM / bulletin board tool:

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)