Coffee and wifi

dug dug Follow Nov 10, 2006 · 1 min read


free wifi is available at this restaurant

“But isn’t another coffee place in Portland like bringing coal to Newcastle?� asked an editor at the Oregonian, to which a reasonable response might be, yes, and at how many of these places does the coffee indeed taste like charcoal?

I’ve got no idea if Ristretto Roasters is any good or indeed if their coffee isn’t burnt to shit like Starbucks’ but featured prominently on their website is this “free wifi” graphic. So next time I’m in town I’ll definitely drop in…

I still can’t beleive that we have to pay for public wifi. I mean when you eat in a restaurant you don’t pay for tap water or oxigen and even if in some extreme case you do, it’s included in the exhorbitant markup you pay on your panini.

Next time someone approaches you with a business model involving walled gardens and in-store portal pages please do thwack ‘em over the head with a base-station:-)

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)