I had so many bits, bobs and backups tied into my blogging engine that it was taking me forever to migrate safely to Movable Type. A negative side-effect of running what was a truly nasty hack in the first place was that the whole site got bogged down.
The family has been begging for pictures of CU-1, but I couldn’t deliver as the process of updating the scrapbook had become so tortuous as to make it impossible.
Simply posting meant sending several emails, struggling with my rubbish editing interface and waiting hours for the poor old MGI app server to crunch through miles of slow-moving database records.
So in the end, I decided to just kill the thing. I exported the database, hacked it up as best I could in bbedit (if anyone needs the grep pattern to change date formats from euro to us in an MT db export, drop me a line) and bumped the dns. So to cut a long story short, the data’s all here, but there will be many, many things that don’t work properly. I’m as stuck-in as possible and will try to do fixes daily until everything is working ok. As usual, feel at liberty to hurl abuse my way via email (as I don’t think the commenting is working correctly yet)