Week ending 4 July [media]

dug dug Follow Jul 04, 2002 · 2 mins read



Darn, it’s been a whole week - getting sloppy. Piece in the Guardian today theorising about what will happen when punters become able to apply professional-grade special effects to video. The suggestion is that video news will eat itself as we all retreat into home-made news dissemination.

It’s a nice idea to think that bloggers might be creating some form of accurate transcription of history as it happens. Personally, I don’t see how anything new is happening. In a sense, information has been mediated right from the start. Whether it was a journalist filling via a telegraph wire from Congo, a photo-journalist in Vietnam or just plain-vanilla television news, reality was never guaranteed. We simply agree to consume what we feel is the most likely candidate, according to our own personal belief system.

You could argue that you have to be there ? to see the bullet, hear the explosion to get reality. But even then, without any grasp of a bigger picture, a bit of background, some sort of history or context, how real is your experience?

I seem to remember Faye Dunaway finding a work-around to this problem (I think she was coming on top of William Holden at the same time) with the Mao Tse Tung Hour…

Maybe they’ll take movies of themselves kidnapping heiresses, hijacking 747’s, bombing bridges, assassinating ambassadors. We’d open each week’s segment with that authentic footage, hire a couple of writers to write some story behind that footage, and we’ve got ourselves a series… Bosch: A series about a bunch of bank-robbing guerrillas? Schlesinger: What’re we going to call it - the Mao Tse-Tung Hour? Diana: Why not? They’ve got Strike Force, Task Force, SWAT. Why not Che Guevara and his own little mod squad.

So what’s next for the television companies?

Anyway, Nick is still not getting enough sleep, but it’s for a good cause: CU-1 is five weeks old tomorrow and has almost doubled her birth weight! She weighed in at 10lbs 1oz at the Solent road health center this morning. The fuel for this amazing trick is of course coming out of Nicki’s nipples (she says that sometimes they feel like atomic raspberries).

I’ve been real busy this week on the work front, lots of meetings, coding and quarking. In the middle of all that, I’ve managed to have my first ever acupuncture session.

I confess I was slightly dissapointed by the experience as I had been led to believe that I would be a changed man. In the end I left the health place the same man except with a sore left arm…

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)