Re -- Election

dug dug Follow May 02, 2003 · 1 min read


My father, Jed is living testimony that if you don’t have a go, you’ll never know how well you could do. The man is unstoppable:-) He sent me this two minutes ago. Go Jed!

Just a quick note when there is so much to say…

Jed Falby (Independent)
1108 votes Yea! Yea! Yahooooo!

Ray Franklin (Conservative)
1075 votes

Lesley Rodin (Independent)
975 votes (confirmed at 01:00 this morning after recount)

There was a recount for third position. (There are three seats on East Devon Council) It was ( and I think ,at this time, still is,) a Conservative Controlled Council but we have sure shaken that arrangement up.

I will send you fuller notes later.

I hope I don’t turn into a Politician…

Much Love, Dad

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)