Perfect day

dug dug Follow Jun 07, 2003 · 1 min read


Moments I’ll remember forever–16:00 sitting on a bench in the courtyard of the Royal Academy having just taken CU-1 to see the Summer Show, her on my left knee seriously focusing on the bottle of milk I’m holding for her, the late afternoon sun peeking through the gaps in the plastic awning we’re under, and people walking past and smiling, men in particular, me humming my little milk-drinking mantra…

And after that she bought me a latte and played with the fire and water sculpture further out in the courtyard.

On the whole, CU-1 reckons that the show was ok as it had a lot of pictures of cats and one or two good ones of dogs, mostly hung at a good height for her to see clearly (you take her to art galleries and she squeals aloud when she sees a picture of a cat–v. cute) as well as lots of kids playing on the floor (the RA supplies craft kits for kids, a wonderful idea) and finally a lot of large and amusing ‘animals’ like a chicken with human fingers as wings.

She can confirm that the skyscraper expo was rubish as she couldn’t play with any of the models even though she lunged as hard as she could towards them (v. delicate). I wanted to spend more time reading about the individual projects in the darkened East West room but that would have been a pause too far for a little girl, so have to return to expo at a later date…

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)