I wish I had more time to share my thoughts on the current crop of CSS issues. This from Owen Briggs’ excellent website www.thenoodleincident.com (reprinted here without permission)
This isn’t news to anyone. But the web isn’t screen either. Or more accurately it is print, and screen, and voice, and many other things.
Right now it’s December 2001 and chances are you’re reading this on a PC or a Mac, so you think you’re building pages for PC or Mac. Well, just stop. That’s going to confuse the heck out of you as you build with CSS.
The idea of the web is to digitalize your message for a variety of retrieval methods – for methods we have now, and for methods that we haven’t thought of yet.
Well told ;-)
My most recent attempts at table-free pages culminated late last year with the re-launch of Pumpernickle’s corporate site. Two bizarre issues (or new to me anyway) with that site, I had to manually assign properties to children that should have inherited them automatically and the inconsistencies of type ‘zooming’ - it seems to be working (try upping and downing your type size) but I haven’t been able to describe the behavior in a repeatable way?