Orange RockCorps - social capital generator or surface-only branding?

dug dug Follow Oct 08, 2008 · 1 min read


Just saw Tim’s piece on the Glasshouse blog on Orange Rockcorps and understanding the value of the social capital.

Rockcorps intro graphic

From there I had a quick look around and wow, quite a lot of negative opinion out there and a surprisingly downbeat response to the Orange rockcorps thing over at brandrepublic:

This is incredibly lame. The Orange 'I Am' campaign just limps from bad to worse. Busta Rhymes? What year are we in? 1999? I can't remember the last campaign from Fallon that was any good.

I guess there’s a gap between the original and the Orange “I am” branded version? This is how the rc site describes the initiative:

RockCorps harnesses the power of music to inspire volunteering. We produce concerts for which the only way in is to volunteer 4 hours at a project we organize with non-profit partners. You can't win a ticket; you can't buy a ticket; you have to earn a ticket to a concert that becomes a celebration of giving back.

Tim reckons

If the company makes it work, it's the energy and community productivity generated that will constitute the value of the initiative; not the SMS bundles sold. The number of hours donated, or playgrounds renovated is a wholly inadequate proxy for the social capital generated by a campaign like this...

read Tim’s whole post over at Glasshouse Partnership

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)