Actually, while this one was on Mom’s shelf, I reckon the items where mostly collected by Dad, but nonetheless, I found this page quite moving
and so we enter this new age, this thanksgiving day, brutally shaken, but more aware than ever before of the dark forces around us--and within ourselves--that can still be controlled. If we have learned anything, we have learned that there is no such thing as security. When anarchy reigns--and anarchy begins when you stop caring for your fellow man--then not even the most valuable man in the land is safe. All the guns in the secret service could not keep him safe, and all the weapons of destruction at at our command will not keep us safe. The only shield is compassion and understanding, firm in the face of hate... From "Holiday at Half Mast" by Herb Caen
Even though I was born 10 months before JFK was gunned down, this bracelet was inserted in the same page as the San Fracisco Chronicle clippings. Sat here in her empty office in Devon fourty years later I can imagine Ruth holding me and wondering what in the world the future might bring.