Fwd -- 2946 - A Serious Sweatshop Alternative

dug dug Follow Jan 21, 2004 · 1 min read



Dear Friend,

Thanks again for your purchase. To grow into a company that can take on the big brands we need to find a few more folks like you. At least 10,000 by January. Know a few? Of course you do. Do friends let friends buy from sweatshops? No way. If you will lift one finger to forward the text below we can keep slugging it out.

The No Sweat Gang


Sick of supporting sweat shops every time you buy clothes? Now you can fight back with every thread you buy. No Sweat Apparel.com has created the first casual clothing brand that fights sweatshops 5 ways. Come now and see how you can help us clean up the garment industry. No sweat.


Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)