Frederic Goudy

dug dug Follow Sep 27, 2002 · 1 min read


Have just downloaded the Iraq dossier. While the body of the text is rather crudely set in workmanlike Times Roman, the title page has been worked up by some anonymous designer at the HMSO.

I can sympathise with the designer—I can see the briefs coming in: “Her Majesty’s Government’s Response to EC Agricultural Legislation” and so on. Then one day he gets this brief and his boss tells him, “have fun with this one, let rip, let those creative juices flow…” (ok, so they don’t really say shit like that at the HMSO but you get the idea).

So what does he do? He sets it in Goudy. Is this a coincidence? A subliminal message? Does the special relationship include implicating American type designers in our government’s warmongering?

Written by dug Follow
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