When the Free™ really aren't

dug dug Follow Apr 22, 2020 · 1 min read
When the Free™ really aren't



There will come a time when I no longer find myself getting depressed about the behaviour and beliefs of the American People every. single. day. and I can write and think about other things for a change.

But not today.

The news is full of the latest Trump-inspired protest activities. It’s a thing, with legs, and some on-line wits have even started the hash-tag #FluKluxKlan trending.

Normally, I’d chuckle and smile at the crazy but this just feels beyond wrong. It’s hard to not drop into deplorables mode, but I think we really need to keep our doors open to folk who are not stupid, just hopefully misinformed or manipulated. Or maybe they’re just stupid, but I have to believe it can’t be that simple. I tweeted this earlier in response to a sign help up by a demonstrator:

Slavery or Freedom?

Dear Americans, your leaders have once again re-framed the issue to take advantage of you. This has NOTHING to do with either “Peaceful slavery” or “Dangerous freedom”. What this is about is RESPONSIBILITY to your fellow citizens.

If I could have a few minutes with the woman in the picture I’d want to ask her if she has a family? How would she feel if someone attending the protest gave her the virus and she went home and passed it on to her children? Surely she can experience first-hand the responsibility she has to her children? How about to my children? What is it going to take to explain to our brothers and sisters that we are all in this together?

If you’re interested, here’s the link to #FluKluxKlan on Twitter

Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives. Please.

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)