Fambly alert

dug dug Follow Jul 22, 2003 · 1 min read



So I’ve been feeling a bit un-blogged this past couple of weeks. I’m constantly thinking of stuff that i want to say, but when I get to the keyboard I get all blue and decide not to post–not sure what’s going on, but hopefully I’ll get better soon.

Just wanted to say for all family members out there that CU-1 is now walking proper. Not one for transitions, she pretty much gave up crawling altogether over the space of a week when Nicki spent the week away in Bordeaux. Andrew and Peter have sent us a cd with loads of lovely pictures of CU-1 so I’ll try and post those soon.

If I can get my shit together and move Donkey over to Moveable Type (am running a test version, so it couldn’t be that far away) I’m hoping I’ll be able to find a lovely integrated scrapbook tool to make keeping the pictures up to date a whole lot easier.

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)