Chewy toys

dug dug Follow Aug 31, 2002 · 1 min read


well, next step on the long and rocky road to university admissions: teething. Of course CU-1 is only 13 weeks old (her birthday was yesterday) so by rights shouldn’t be teething yet. It’s just that she’s started chewing more actively and (more distressing, this) has started drooling like Bavarian blood hound.

So we’re off to buy a chewy toy on Finchley road.

On a completely different note, I wonder what percentage of UK bloggers are Guardian readers (I can see the headlines now Boris Johnson secret blogging Guardian reader). So that’ll give me something to think about, chewy toy, Boris Johnson, chewy toy, Boris Johnson…

But seriously, have all the participants in the Guardian’s Big Blog Push come from bloggers reading their regular paper or have they simply followed links from other blogs?

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)