I frequently receive emails at work with reports that measure the value of brands (likely to involve voodoo and pixie dust, but makes a good read). Happily my employer seems to do quite well in these listings, but every time I read them I am reminded of Hugh’s Hughtrain of 2004 and wish I could talk about it at work without sounding like an ideologue. Still, finding a sense of purpose is a fine thing:-)
Here are the first few lines from his archive:
- We are here to find meaning. We are here to help other people do the same. Everything else is secondary.
- We humans want to believe in our own species. And we want people, companies and products in our lives that make it easier to do so. That is human nature.
- Product benefit doesn't excite us. Belief in humanity and human potential excites us.
- Think less about what your product does, and think more about human potential.
- What statement about humanity does your product make?
- The bigger the statement, the bigger the idea, the bigger your brand will become.