Alex James on the Lecture List

dug dug Follow May 30, 2007 · 1 min read


You know, Billy and I have been really struggling to keep The Lecture List afloat for some time now, and we’re doing it because we believe in it (the problem of course is it’s impossible to get funding for a thing with no revenue stream…)

Anyway, people keep signing up and we know a bunch of people use it which is of course great. I mention this because every now and then (like when Billy got very drunk and bought Madona’s tights) something fun happens that gives us a wee boost.

One such boost came our way just now when we were shopping for stuff for CU-1’s birthday treasure hunt in Ceret and Billy checked his mail in the local internet café. To cut a long ramble short, Alex James told Ohna, Billy’s wife that we could have some tickets to a thing he’s doing next week and we just got confirmation from the publisher that it was OK to offer the tickets as a competition on the Lecture List.

So there you go, if you want some tickets, get yourself over to the Lecture List and answer the question:-)

Alex James | a bit of a blur is at Blackwells next week. The competition for free tickets is on the home page

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)