OK, call me a lefty ideologue who laps up whatever nonsense the Democrats put out but I’ve been watching the Romney v. Gingritch thing and I just don’t understand how these massively un-presidential types think they have more to offer than President Obama? True, Gingritch played to the “authenticity” megatrend by speaking his mind about his ex-wife’s ABC appearance and it’s probably this same megatrend that caused South Carolina Republicans to down-grade Romney for his evasiveness around his taxes. But that doesn’t make him White House material, not by a mile.
But the point of this post is that I was wondering why this video of President Obama signing Al Green didn’t make more of a splash? The President of the United States of America, in the Apollo Theatre on 125th street. The President, in Manhattan, in Harlem, amongst friends, face to face with the Reverend Al Green and singing?!? In tune!?! It was AWESOME! Just made me feel great to see this:-)