Megabrands for little girls

dug dug Follow May 20, 2005 · 1 min read


What is it with little girls and princesses

It all started with Snow White. It seemed harmless enough–a beautiful family favourite for generations–wholesome family entertainment, what could go wrong? Nicki sent me this shot of little CU-1 yesterday. She’s decked out in Disney merchandise from head to toe.

Normally, I would never recommend building a composite brand, but Disney has taken three, totally unrelated cartoon characters (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White) and merged them into a composite brand known as “Three Princesses”.

In most cases, this kind of ‘bolting together’ never goes as far as the real thing, but in this instance, Disney has hit on something that resonates with little girls. Girls can now buy everything from buckets and spades to plasters via the ubiquitous diamond tiaras in between–all marked with the innocent, smiling faces of the Three Princesses.

This stuff resonates with CU-1 so much I can see her head vibrate…

Written by dug Follow
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