
dug dug Follow Dec 13, 2006 · 1 min read


So Chirac’s dream of a ‘French perspective’ on world news has finally launched. Part of me sniggers but fair enough, why should CNN and BBC24 get all the coverage… For the launch the channel commissioned some animated ads. The concept is the same as the old Guardian ads that used the line “get the whole picture” (remember the one with the skinhead running) but they’re quite heavy-handed. The one above is different, the balance of story, visual (you can feel the smile when the kid kicks the ball) and music work well, and the emotional content does resonate (what boy hasn’t had a similar day-dream). Is it a French perspective… dunno, I guess the kid is Vietnamese but what is F24 saying exactly, pick your post-colonial nightmare? Still, beautiful little film.

Written by dug Follow
Hiya, life goes like this. Step 1: Get out of bed. Step 2: Make things better:-)